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Bonding 4 rabbits with bad history?


Young Bun
I have 4 rabbits, 3 males and a female. The 3 males have all been neutered, our oldest dash was done a year ago and is very quiet and submissive. The other 2 males (came from the pet shop at the same time when they were babies so are like littermates) were bonded but had a bad fight so were split up and they have both been neutered now for 6 weeks, I tried to bond them last week but they fought and one of them got a bad scratch on his penis area and became infected so now they are marking their territory against each other. These two also seem to hate the oldest Dash, they will always try to attack him through his cage and run around their cages after him while hes out, one of them got out of his cage and attacked Dash and cut his eye about 3 weeks ago.
The last rabbit is a female amber who is going to be neutered next week, we have tried her with Dash and it went well but recently her hormones are really bad so all she does is hump him. She loves being groomed and the attention but Dash never really gave it her so she got frustrated at him alot.

Once Amber is neutered and has recovered I don't know whether to try and bond them all (although I'm terrified it would be a big disaster). Or whether to try Amber/ Dash and the other 2 males together but I think Amber would get a lot more attention from the other 2 but I don't want to leave dash on his own.
Should I try to bond them all at once, or one at a time, or maybe just have 2 pairs bonded?
Maybe the male hormones haven't quite settled yet, hence the squabble?

I would give the four a go and if it fails then go for 2 pairs :wave:
I have 4 rabbits, 3 males and a female. The 3 males have all been neutered, our oldest dash was done a year ago and is very quiet and submissive. The other 2 males (came from the pet shop at the same time when they were babies so are like littermates) were bonded but had a bad fight so were split up and they have both been neutered now for 6 weeks, I tried to bond them last week but they fought and one of them got a bad scratch on his penis area and became infected so now they are marking their territory against each other. These two also seem to hate the oldest Dash, they will always try to attack him through his cage and run around their cages after him while hes out, one of them got out of his cage and attacked Dash and cut his eye about 3 weeks ago.

How rabbits react when side by side to other buns does not necessarily show how they will react if bonded in the correct manner using neutral territory. What your buns are showing is that they are not happy that other buns are very close to their territory which is pretty normal.

When you tried to bond them was this on totally neutral territory and if any of them had been in this area before what had you done to neutralise the space?

The last rabbit is a female amber who is going to be neutered next week, we have tried her with Dash and it went well but recently her hormones are really bad so all she does is hump him.

All normal and hopefully will improve slowly after she has been neutered

Once Amber is neutered and has recovered I don't know whether to try and bond them all (although I'm terrified it would be a big disaster). Or whether to try Amber/ Dash and the other 2 males together but I think Amber would get a lot more attention from the other 2 but I don't want to leave dash on his own.
Should I try to bond them all at once, or one at a time, or maybe just have 2 pairs bonded?

If you are planning to bond 3 males with a female the likelihood success of this bonding will be a lot lower than with any 'normal' bond, it may work but it is essential that you follow the rules of bonding extreemley closely and ensure that you have enough time to complete the bond if it works where you do not have to leave the buns alone. If this were my buns I would ensure that I would have 10 days clear to spend with them and a back up plan if they required longer. It is a bond you would not be able to rush with any increase in space having to be done extreemley slowly