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Biting Rabbit


Young Bun
Well on saturday night I was giving Mime a nice brush and a stroke whilst she was on my lap and she seemed quite content, I put my hand down my leg and she just lay there then about 5 minutes after she just bit me on my hand! :shock:

i calmly placed her on the floor whilst i went to wash the wound and but a plaster on, but it has really worried me that she bit for absolute no reason.

I cleaned her cage out the day after and she kept on thumping her back legs and wouldn't leave the cage. I don't know what i've done to make her so threatened of me.

Maybe the bite was a one off but that I have a 2 year old in the house, even tho the rabbits only come out when she's not around I'm still worried if she went up to her cage and Mime went for her. I can't risk that.
has your bunny been spayed?? Hormones play a big part in bunny aggression. It doesn't sound like your bun is an out and out aggressive girly so i wouldn't get downhearted.
Is this the bun that you saved from the group of bunnies?

I think you said she was a youngster. I agree about the spay. Normally when they get around 4 months old their hormones can go all over the place.

Also sometimes buns try it on to see who is in control so it could be a dominance thing. When Arthur has gone to bite me in the past I have made a sharp yelp sound and its put him off. Now and then he charges at my hand but I hold my ground and he just headbutts instead.

Learning their body language is also useful.

Good luck
Yes she doesn't sound like an aggressive bunny to me. Was the bite a vicious bite or a nip that went a bit far?? rabbits will nip...it's just what they do and how they communicate with each other. Sounds to me like she was trying to tll you that she didn't want you to stop petting her. My rabbits nip my feet if they want fussing and I am perhaps ignoring them. It hurts but I know they don't mean it aggressively. Also sounds like your bun is about ready to be spayed now! Rabbits aren't good pets for children so your two year old should never be left alone with her anyway.
Rabbits aren't good pets for children so your two year old should never be left alone with her anyway.

Yes thats why they only come out after she's gone to her mothers or after shes gone to bed.
i would never leave my daughter alone with the rabbits.
Don't think it was meant as a dig, everyone just wants to offer you advice. It sounds like you are doing the right thing with your buns and your daughter
She may well have been wanting to tell you to get out of the way and nibbled a bit hard? Especially if she is not usually agressive at all?