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Big is a male instead of female!


Young Bun
Ok so i posted here a few weeks back about my two lion head rabbits, big and simba

So i took big to the vets today to get spayed, turns out to be male instead of female... so now i will have 2 spayed males....

oh my goodness...

so, what i am wanting to know, is whether its going to be okay rebonding them if they are both male....

i have had simba since he was 9 weeks old (march 2015)
and big was born 20th august 2015 (got him now as well, currently at the vets as we speak)

so big was 6 weeks old when he met simba and im hoping that since he was only a baby when we first bonded them, that it'll be okay to re-do it..

they have been in seprate cages for a month or so now since big attacked simba but im hoping after a few days i can try bonding again.

Can two neutered males live together happily?
Ok so i posted here a few weeks back about my two lion head rabbits, big and simba

So i took big to the vets today to get spayed, turns out to be male instead of female... so now i will have 2 spayed males....

oh my goodness...

so, what i am wanting to know, is whether its going to be okay rebonding them if they are both male....

i have had simba since he was 9 weeks old (march 2015)
and big was born 20th august 2015 (got him now as well, currently at the vets as we speak)

so big was 6 weeks old when he met simba and im hoping that since he was only a baby when we first bonded them, that it'll be okay to re-do it..

they have been in seprate cages for a month or so now since big attacked simba but im hoping after a few days i can try bonding again.

Can two neutered males live together happily?

I replied on your duplicate thread in 'Health'
It can be possible to bond two neutered Bucks BUT if they have already had a fight the chance of success is going to be reduced. I would certainly not attempt to re-introduce them for at least a 2 -3 months to allow their hormones to settle.

I have bonded several pairs of Bucks over the years, but none had ever had a fight. In my experience if two entire Bucks fight they never forget it and even after both are neutered they will still fight.

I am not suggesting that you dont try to get Simba and Big back together, but the chances of success may not be great. There are always exceptions to the 'rule' though !

Good luck x
I replied on your duplicate thread in 'Health'

Simba is passive as anything, if something bites him or scratches him he just submits and doesn't fight back, he was trying to get into bigs cage last night so I presume he has forgiven big, big is still hormonal as hell and keeps trying to 'ride' simba but im thinking if i try and put them together tonight when big is a little big dipsy from the anasthetic, simba will just have a sniff and try and make big comfortable.
Hello there. I wouldn't put them together just yet as Big could be injured. He needs at least a week to get over his operation just to be on the safe side. When you try to rebond them you must do it on neutral ground, and remeber as rsbbits mature their outlook changes and just because they used to live harmoniously together doesn't mean they always will, sadly.
Ok so i posted here a few weeks back about my two lion head rabbits, big and simba

So i took big to the vets today to get spayed, turns out to be male instead of female... so now i will have 2 spayed males....

oh my goodness...

so, what i am wanting to know, is whether its going to be okay rebonding them if they are both male....

i have had simba since he was 9 weeks old (march 2015)
and big was born 20th august 2015 (got him now as well, currently at the vets as we speak)

so big was 6 weeks old when he met simba and im hoping that since he was only a baby when we first bonded them, that it'll be okay to re-do it..

they have been in seprate cages for a month or so now since big attacked simba but im hoping after a few days i can try bonding again.

Can two neutered males live together happily?

I can sympathise ... I had a rabbit called Big, but he was supposed to be a girl who turned out to be a boy :shock:

You can put them together, and hopefully the bond will succeed, with patience. I would let Big completely heal up, a couple of weeks at least, before you try them again.

Male hormones don't really 'settle' for about three months, but that's an awfully long time to wait until you try bonding again!

Good luck with that!
I had two bucks that fell out (brothers). I was advised to keep them apart (no sight, smell our sound of each other) for six weeks. I did this then reintroduced them and at the same time added in two spayed does.

They have been happily together as a quad ever since (that was in October 2013).