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Big Bunnies!!!

Zeus is a continental giant (supposedly the next size up from british giants).

He once weighed in at nearly 8Kg but then during his illness he dropped to 5Kg. He is now around a healthy 6-7Kg mark (haven't weighed him in a while) and as Eve has already mentioned it is best to keep them at the lower end of the weight scale. The panels are about 14" so guestimating from my photo I would say about 25-30 inches fully stretched out laying down from nose to base of tail.

I will say that although rabbits usually prefer to be petted on the floor Zeus has jumped on my lap before :shock: (it didn't hurt though) but that was because I was holding some toast :roll: (he loves dried bread). It took him ages to work out he could jump onto the sofa, after I taught him I soon regretted it as he used the sofa to get to the fruit bowl and broke some of my best china stealing apples :shock: :roll: ! He did take them back to Athena (aww) as she was too little to get onto the sofa.

The best way to get cuddle from Zeus was to pick him up securely (hand under bum and one under chest then hold close to your body or when fully grown tuck the head under your arm and hold to your side bum forward) and place him on a towel on the sofa. Once the nose rubs started he would sit contentedly for hours grinding his teeth with joy while I watched TV. He hates being held for long periods of time.

I miss that as he really freaks out around the dogs so can't come in the house anymore. Even their smell on my hands makes him panic :( !

I got the panels from eBay (seller no longer there) but I wouldn't recommend them with just the connectors as you see in my pics. Zeus has broken through quite easily and a few months back all four rabbits ended up in together and they fought resulting in Athena being badly injured (she is ok now thank goodness). Since that photo was taken I have secured the indoor runs with cable ties and we are in the process of building a proper mesh/wood outdoor run.

cor thats unusal caz that a giant likes being picked up my two hate it, and hagrid is the friendlest rabbit i have even meet, hes more like a dog! he even likes the vet!

eve x
I suspect that if you tried to pick them up you could end up with something of a back problem!!!!

I much prefer getting down on their level as bunnies are always so much happier there. I also imagine that they are not quite so agile (too much weight), but all my previous bunnies have always quite enjoyed snuggling on the sofa (they invited themselves up there). I'll just ave to wait and get to know her I suppose. I want her now :D :lol:

Tomorrow is bunny house finishing day, and if all goes well I shall get her on Sunday, if not then i'll have to wait another week :(

I'll post photos as soon as possible!!
ooh, just remember a question I wanted to ask.

Have you ever harness trained your big buns, and where do you get harnesses that big :?:
Zeus doesn't like being held but doesn't complain as long as it is a short journey to the sofa for nose rubs etc. I use a cat carrier to move him from his run to his house and vis versa now as he is much happier that way.

I bought a harness for Zeus when he was younger but it was way too small. I used a puppy collar and training lead instead. For a while he even had his own dog tag but when Athena came she was in a cage beside Zeus and he jumped on it and caught the tag/collar so I removed it for his own safety and only put it on for vet trips before I found a good carrier.

Usually the rabbit just runs where they want and you trail behind trying to prevent yourself being dragged through bushes, under sheds etc hanging on for dear life!
