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Benji - UD now with tribute and LOTS of photos

Thanks guys:(

I buried him this evening, wrapped up in his little pillowcase. I wanted to bury something special with him... he didn't have any toys that he really loved except treat balls, so I made a few and put them with him.

My dad is also very upset, I can't believe I'll never see his grumpy little face again:cry:
Thanks guys:(

I buried him this evening, wrapped up in his little pillowcase. I wanted to bury something special with him... he didn't have any toys that he really loved except treat balls, so I made a few and put them with him.

My dad is also very upset, I can't believe I'll never see his grumpy little face again:cry:

:cry::cry: more hugs coming your way xxx
im so so so sorry chloe!, benji had an amazing life with you, he shared his last months with his wifey happy and loved.
if you ever need to chat you know where i am..

sleep tight benji, binkey free.xxx
It's been over a year and a half now little buddy... not sure why these horrible feelings have come rushing back all of a sudden but I miss you so much. I'm moving with my friends in September and the buns are coming with me, but I can't help but feel like it should have been you coming along for the ride on this next part of my life with me.

I miss your kisses and your cuddles and your squishy little face. You would have been 7 this year. Love you little man.