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Warren Scout
BellaTrix, only 11 months old, had to be put down last week.
I noticed in the morning that she hadnt moved from the previous evening and all the other rabbits were huddled round her trying to keep her warm. i took her straight to vets where they said her stomach was the size of a large orange, throughout the next 2 hours it just expanded and expanded. she was cold and miserable and uncomfy and none of the drugs were helping her.
the vet said he hadnt seen anything like it in a rabbit that hasnt eaten carpet fibre etc. he said it is likely that she had something similar to grass-sickness in horses. the nerves in the stomach stop working and it doesnt empty. leading to toxins in the body and the stomach expanding. the choice was to have her pts, or to try and operate, but if she survived the GA then it would have reoccured. I decided for a pts and had a post mortem done. the vet confirmed his suspicions and said that if i had chosent he surgery he would have pts her after seeing her stomach-it had expanded to half the size of a computer screen and was pressing on her lungs.
sorry its all a bit technical...its the only way i can get my head round it.

So im sorry little BellaTrix, you were a fabulous cuddley bunny, who loved nose rubs and fuss. you were good as gold and such a beautiful little girl. at least you are no longer in pain or distress. nose rubs x x x x x



