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Young Bun
I give my rabbits ordinary wood shavings with hay and straw from the pet shop so they are only small ones and its costing a lot....i volunteer at a shelter and for their rabbits they buy horse shavings so the amount is more and it usually works out cheaper but i cant find any places! :cry: i do shred some plain paper sometimes and add to it, that was a life saver in winter and kept them toasty...i was wondering how you guys go about this? i know some of you have a lot of rabbits so do share your tips :D
Hello :)
I would recommend Megazorb. It's really, really absorbent and it's really good value for money. Wood shavings aren't recomposed as they can effect your rabbits respiratory system. Megazorb is just wood pulp so it's harmless :) You can buy it in bulk in big 85 litre bags. It lasts ages.
Here are a list of suppliers: http://www.northerncropdriers.co.uk/stockists
You can get it on a lot of internet pet shops too like here: http://www.thehayexperts.co.uk/megazorb.html and here:http://www.gjwtitmuss.co.uk/horse-b...rn-crop-driers-megazorb-bedding-85-litres.asp
Shavings generally aren't recommended due to them being dusty, however I put it in the litter trays and sprinkle hay on the top, it works for us. I got a massive bag from a local joiner, for free. It's lasted over a year so far, that's how big it is :lol: Do you know any joiners you could ask? They are usually quite happy to get rid of it, although some may charge a bit, it won't be nearly as much as you pay in the pet shop.

Another option is hay, I get a massive bale of hay from a farm for £5. It lasts my 5 bunnies and 2 piggies about a month.
knew there would be other options! these bunnies are breaking the bank with those little bags, how long as the bag of megazorbed lasted? and ill get thet yellow pages out, ring around some joiners, i know i can get it cheaper somewhere it just needs some leg work...i also have a ferret he lives in my room (hes soft as though but he havent ever met the rabbits dont worry :D) and he has a raw diet, asking around the butchers theres scraps they give you or sell their own pet mince, might sound abit scruffy but eh, its free or near to free isnt it? ill see what i can find for my bunnies, thankyou very much :)