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Bedding Question..


Young Bun
What type of bedding does your bun prefer?

Straw or Meadow Hay Bedding.

I have been using Meadow Hay bedding since i got my bun 4 weeks ago,and he seems to be sleeping in it fine.Then i was thinking maybe straw would be warmer for him to snuggle into at night?

What do you think?

Thanks to those that reply :D
I think using hay would keep him warmer than straw, plus he can eat the hay while he's in the bed area :)

I'd stick with the hay :D
Iv always used hay, as have my parents before me.

Iv heard sometimes rabbits will eat the straw if its in their bedding box, and its not as good for them as hay so iv stuck with hay! Meadow hay too.
I offer both at the moment - but she seems quite happy to sleep in the corner of the run on the slabs... not sure if she actually sleeps there all night - but she's there at 7am, and there at 12-1am.. the only times she's snug in the back corner of her hutch is when i've given her one the excess stick treats and she goes and lies with it so I can't get her :roll: