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Beau STILL isn't eating :( UD not eating much again

I'm so please for you and Beau :D
I've been watching your thread with interest, as I had a similar problem when mine came back from bonding. Only it was the other way round for us, with our rescue Minnie gradually stopping eating. After watching them together at meal time, I worked out that my boy being the more dominant of the two too begin, and more comfortable in our home environment, was steaming in on all the food and she was just sitting by and seemed to be waiting patiently for her turn. But by the time he'd finished he'd pigged out on the lot and there was none left for her so she'd just started not bothering at all. From then on I've always separated them at feeding time, and everything's been fine.
Sometimes some bunnies can be more sensitive to changes and living with a new partner than others. A bit like us! :lol:
Oh gosh what a huge relief for you! I really hope he continues to eat well for himself now :)