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Alpha Buck
My eldest piggie boy, Basil has just left us for the Bridge:cry: My sweet little boy was nearly 7 years old and I will miss him terribly...:cry:
I got Basil and Barney off of a neighbour who was keeping them with her big lop ear cross in a 3ft hutch!:censored: :evil: The rabbit was 'jumping' on them all the time and they were screaming and finally the womans elderly mother told her to give the piggies to me or they would die... so I gladly took them, that was back in June 2001. The boys had to seperated as they fought, but then I took in 8 rescue piggies and there was one boy, Bobby Elvis and he and Basil took to each other straight away...:)
Then Bob got ill and sadly he was helped to the Bridge on 19/2/07... Basil was quite down, until he joined my OAP girls:) Its okay he couldn't perform and never tried... But today my darling Basil, rapidly went into decline and died in my arms:cry: :cry:
Bye bye sweetheart, hope you and Bobby are running free at the Bridge, popcorn free darling:cry:

Basil is the self lilac and Bobby the dark haired one