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Back from the Bradford Excel Small Animal Show*May upset some people

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I'm not saying ALL breeders are bad, I will always support a rescue over a breeder but there are some caring breeders out there with fantastic set ups for the rabbits and they do look after them well, but then there are those who see them as nothing more than a commodity to put rosettes and trophies on a shelf and brag about.
oh dear lord. 'Its just one day... and its only a rabbit' :roll:

you might not have said it... but seems like you implied it!

I have a good idea... lets put you in a 5ft x 5ft room for 12 hours with nothing to do and see how you like it :D:D:D

If i had food to munch and drink i'd be fine thanks :roll:

They have hay, bedding, water. It's 12 hours AT MOST!

Anyway, i'm off to my Breeders forum now, where we oviously keep our rabbits in tiny cages and are abusive. :roll:

You lot really are so small minded :lol:
They shouldn't have to get used to it!!! Ive been twice and seen enough and I don't go anymore.

:thumb: Totally agree!

I've taken Ted to a pet show (not a proper show, but a little charity one, in our seaside town.) He lay down, on the table the whole time, completely chilled...NOT because he's used to shows....he's not, but because he's nicely socialised. Not thrown in with hundreds of people when really young. If at any point he'd shown distress, we'd have been home before he realised. I had so many questions about rabbit care, and I hope that some people listened to what I had to say, and it helped some buns!

You say "they'll settle down"....No they won't!! They'll block everything out, but will be terrified. It's not relaxing, it's so much fear that they won't move!!

I know two people who go to these shows so that they can do the stewards job....because they seriously suck!! My friend had to cause a huge scene because a bun was suffering from heat stroke at the Bradford show a few years ago...and the Stewards wouldn't do anything about it. The bun nearly died, and she heard of another that did! Would you want your pet to go to that?!
If i had food to munch and drink i'd be fine thanks :roll:

They have hay, bedding, water. It's 12 hours AT MOST!

Anyway, i'm off to my Breeders forum now, where we oviously keep our rabbits in tiny cages and are abusive. :roll:

You lot really are so small minded :lol:

GOODBYE :wave:
If i had food to munch and drink i'd be fine thanks :roll:

They have hay, bedding, water. It's 12 hours AT MOST!

Anyway, i'm off to my Breeders forum now, where we oviously keep our rabbits in tiny cages and are abusive. :roll:

You lot really are so small minded :lol:

Bye :wave:
If i had food to munch and drink i'd be fine thanks :roll:

They have hay, bedding, water. It's 12 hours AT MOST!

Anyway, i'm off to my Breeders forum now, where we oviously keep our rabbits in tiny cages and are abusive. :roll:

You lot really are so small minded :lol:

The show is on for TWO days and I know for a fact that some leave their rabbits their overnight. The bedding is shavings, some actually had wire to keep them off the shavings so it didn't get in their fur(lovely for their feet I think not), I saw very few with anything other than the bedding and a water bottle.:censored:

Somehow I dont think it is US that is small minded in knowing what is right and wrong:roll:
The show is on for TWO days and I know for a fact that some leave their rabbits their overnight. The bedding is shavings, some actually had wire to keep them off the shavings so it didn't get in their fur(lovely for their feet I think not), I saw very few with anything other than the bedding and a water bottle.:censored:

Somehow I dont think it is US that is small minded in knowing what is right and wrong:roll:

The water bottle is a very recent rule. I think mid-last year...`:? Before that they didn't have to have one!
The show is on for TWO days and I know for a fact that some leave their rabbits their overnight. The bedding is shavings, some actually had wire to keep them off the shavings so it didn't get in their fur(lovely for their feet I think not), I saw very few with anything other than the bedding and a water bottle.:censored:

Somehow I dont think it is US that is small minded in knowing what is right and wrong:roll:

I'd heard that as well.
I have been once and use to regularly look round the london show. But I only go for the trade stands and cheap food.

were the RWA there again? I know a lot of people were against this but I think it was a great idea :)
Its a shame really, shows would be a great way of showing people how to care for your pets properly when all it does is the reverse... *sigh*

Ditto - you're absolutely right.

I've never ever been to a Rabbit show/exhibition. Yet I still refuse to go. I can imagine what I would be seeing, and it most certainly will upset me. So there's no point of me going. Unless it's a rabbit charity fund-raising show/day sort of thing.

I mean I went to Crufts last year for the first time, and I was absolutely gutted and upset. I hated it so much.:evil:

So ever since I've refused to go to any animal/breeders show rings. All they're interested in is the prize/money unfortunately. :(
Thats a shame, I thing they got a lot of grief last time as it looked like they were supporting showing but it was for the exact opposite. To get show people to think about their bunnies welfare a bit more :)

I was thinking about seeing if we could have a stand at a few of our local shows, might make show people think twice about disposing of their older stock :? It was just a thought I had.
Thats a shame, I thing they got a lot of grief last time as it looked like they were supporting showing but it was for the exact opposite. To get show people to think about their bunnies welfare a bit more :)

I was thinking about seeing if we could have a stand at a few of our local shows, might make show people think twice about disposing of their older stock :? It was just a thought I had.

I think that would be a great idea, although at the same time it might have the opposite effect too. Might make them think more about reducing line and over breeding.
Personally, I would never subject either of my babies to a show. I just couldn't stand the thought of it. I used to show my pony, but that was so different.
It really disgusts me that people think it is OK to leave any animal cooped up for a whole day :(
If i had food to munch and drink i'd be fine thanks :roll:

They have hay, bedding, water. It's 12 hours AT MOST!

Anyway, i'm off to my Breeders forum now, where we oviously keep our rabbits in tiny cages and are abusive. :roll:

You lot really are so small minded :lol:

I'm sorry but I don't see how you can even come out with something like that!?! :?

You obviously don't give one jot about animal welfare & whether it's 12 hours or 1 hour in those types of conditions, it's appalling that the animal's welfare suffers for it.

For my tuppence worth I'd ban all your friends on the breeding forum & from anywhere else from breeding ever again!!! Because it's breeders IMO that contribute to the ongoing problem of so many unwanted, neglected & abused rabbits :evil::evil::evil:

Our conti Emily, who is now at rainbow bridge - god rest her soul :cry: used to be a show bun before we rescued her :cry: Never in my life have I come across a more timid, nervous bun - it breaks my heart to think what she was subjected to before she ended up in a rescue :cry: We lost her at the age of 3 years old last December - down to what I believe was ENTIRELY a breeders fault! :evil: She'd been kept in a hutch for so long, that her back legs were in a right state :evil: Although she had 10 good months with us, the damage done was irrepairable :cry: We should have had her for at least another couple of years :cry:

So in your opinion is that acceptable what our Emily had been subjected to? No doubt at one of these god foresaken shows? :?
If i had food to munch and drink i'd be fine thanks :roll:

They have hay, bedding, water. It's 12 hours AT MOST!

Anyway, i'm off to my Breeders forum now, where we oviously keep our rabbits in tiny cages and are abusive. :roll:

You lot really are so small minded :lol:

Oh yes, I forgot that it is so small minded of us to want ALL bunnies to be allowed to live their lives without being put on show just to satisfy human desire.

Would you 'show' your children?! Then why the hell should it be ok to show ANY animal. A rabbit gains absolutely nothing from being paraded in a show like a toy or a piece of meat (well, except unneccesary stress and potential illness)

You seem to think 12 hours is ok but you are forgetting all the travel, the loud noises, the smell of other (UNNEUTERED) bunnies around, people gawping at them all flamin day...and FOR WHAT?!?!?!
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