• Forum/Server Upgrade If you are reading this you have made it to the upgraded forum. Posts made on the old forum after 26th October 2023 have not been transfered. Everything else should be here. If you find any issues please let us know.
  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Are people reading Rabbit Care Discussion?

I dont post a great deal as I usually dont know the answer, and you do tend to see a lot of questions repeated which it would probably be better for people to find the answer to through a search, like 'insurance'. But I know some new members dont necessarily know about the search function or think to use it.

If there is something I have experience of though then I will try and help, although sometimes when people ask about something like bonding which I do know a small amount about, often I dont post because I worry people think that I think Im some kind of expert or something, which I defiently dont! :oops:

I know what you mean about sending good wishes when your bunn is ill, and it also means a lot when people take the time to post in rainbow bridge.
the frustrating thing is, quite often we have someone who have an urgent matter, and she post it in the rabbit chat section instead. A lot of people, doesn't seem to know the difference between "Care" and "Chat". And I don't usually go to the Chat section as it was meant for chit chat about rabbits.

The 2 sections were meant to be separated for the purpose of important urgent matter post here, chit chat matter post over there. But the significant amt. of "urgent matter" posted over there is unbelievable.

So it is quite possible that some members reply those supposedly urgent matter over there, and thought that not much is happening over here.

On the other hand, it would be goofy to merge the 2 section also.
I think the care section is always quite busy! I always read it but done comment much.
What baffles me is the amount of people who do seem to appeaer to sit and wait for answers instead of just using common sense and calling a vet. If you have such an 'URGENT' problem (and you post it as such) then why are you wasting the 15 mins or so it will take you to log in, write a topic, post it and wait for replies when that time could have been used getting your urgently poorly pet to a vet? :?
Thanks for replies everyone! Has put my mind at ease. I have benefited so much from this section and it is my favourite section :)

bizzy_vicki said:
I think the care section is always quite busy! I always read it but done comment much.
What baffles me is the amount of people who do seem to appeaer to sit and wait for answers instead of just using common sense and calling a vet. If you have such an 'URGENT' problem (and you post it as such) then why are you wasting the 15 mins or so it will take you to log in, write a topic, post it and wait for replies when that time could have been used getting your urgently poorly pet to a vet? :?

I have definitely noticed that this section doesn't seem as busyand hopefully it is just one of those things. I suppose I mean in the replies that people get. The number of posts still seems high.

I have certainly sat and waited on responses, I'll be quite honest..... :oops: :lol:. For me though, it has always been after seeing the vet, during the process of intensive nursing.

But to be honest, having heard some of the horror stories of veterinary advice at times I don't blame people for waiting for replies. My vet is great but also knows a lot from this forum that I (and others) have passed. And he trained with Frances Harcourt Brown!!!!!

Fiona x
My experiences with Vets has been nothing but horror stories. I am so
glad to have found this site and have learned more here than from all other sites on the Web combined. :) :thumb:
To be honest as well, some people don't know it's an urgent thing, it's like having kids - u think thr may be something bad wrong with them, but u don't know and think u may be over-reacting. Unless u can learn from people off of forums like this, thn u'll never know, also most people can't afford to call out vets and pay huge out of hours charges if the prob is not as serious as they may think. if there r things thy can do at home. At the end of the day, tht's obv why the Care section was put on in the first place...for tht very reason. I do not think it's unreasonable at all to seek advice from here 1st of you're worried, but ur obv not going to do tht if ur bunny is obv is severe distress
Fionabun said:
But to be honest, having heard some of the horror stories of veterinary advice at times I don't blame people for waiting for replies. My vet is great but also knows a lot from this forum that I (and others) have passed. And he trained with Frances Harcourt Brown!!

Exactly, some vet are not rabbit specialist and don't know squat about rabbit.
I agree on the most part, a lot of vets know squat about buns, and people here are very knowledgable. However, I've seen many posts (that I'm not going to pick out and hold up) which surprise me. There are a lot of instances when surely you dont need to be told from here that you should seek veterinary attention, its common sense you should do so :D
I keep up to date by looking at the posts since I've last visited, so I don't go to certain sections either - I read/scan whatever is new.

There have been quite a lot of posts recently about how to get rabbits to eat more hay, so I think those ones possibly get less responses. Although some situations are unique, and I'm sure I'm guilty myself of starting new threads I maybe shouldn't, a quick scan through/search often gets results. :)
I suppose we can't blame people for not knowing about rabbits at times. The advice people get when they are bought as pets in the usual way is often poor, definitely not always, but often enough. I suppose at least the people are posting to find out. We can't be hard on them for that.

I agree that the care section doesn't need to be 'manned' on a 24 hour basis and that hopefully people will have the sense to contact a vet, but bunnies are funny little things aren't they. Yes they hide illness so well, but sometimes mines have scared me looking as though they were at death's door and racing for first aid for them only to discover them hopping around and munching hay as if to say "I was only sleeping you twit". Maybe that's my paranoia!! :lol: But people very often just don't know the signs and the signs change very quickly too.

Fiona x