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Apple twigs


Warren Scout
I mentioned to a friend the other day that I was giving the buns apple sticks/twigs and she said she has an apple tree in her garden and the next time she comes round she will bring some bits with her :D
Does anybody know if all Apple trees are ok? Should I very kindly decline if they are a certain variety? :oops:
Thank you
Yeah :) my bf has an apple tree and when we cut bits off we give them a good scrub to get the mossy stuff off then let them dry for a day :)
Yes all varieties are fine :wave: Avoid diseased wood and anything with lots of canker on. Also make sure it hasn't been sprayed.

Have fun!
Thank you for your replies. :D
I will see what she brings round, I know they have not been sprayed or treated in any way so I will give the boiling water/washing a go and see what the buns think.