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Any tips on how to make my rabbits feel good when stroking?


Warren Scout
I want them coming back for more cuddles! Can anyone give me ways to make sure they really enjoy them? :)
yep i agree food!!! Thumper now begs(see sig pic) for his fave treats and loves a kiss and cuddle blackmail!!! lol xx
Evo loves to be stroked on the top of his head, his cheeks and underneath his ears. He will put his had down for me to "groom" him when I do this.
Apart from stroking techniques :lol: you could try lying on the floor whilst you're interacting. Bunnies respond well when you're on their level rather than towering above. Infact the best way to get your bunny to come see you is to be interesting. Lie on the floor, totally ignore your bunny and do something interesting like read a newspaper - your bunnies will soon be sooo curious you'll end up with a bun helping you read or using you as a climbing frame :D
Rallybunny said:
Evo loves to be stroked on the top of his head, his cheeks and underneath his ears. He will put his had down for me to "groom" him when I do this.

yeah moo does this too ! also sitting in the same place helps. there is a place i always sit to read while mady is out and now she runs to come and sit next to me and have a stroke. trouble is that when i have to turn the page, i stop stroking for a minute and she turns and looks at me, like 'why ahve you stopped !' :lol:
Yup veggies are good - you need ones you can hold onto tho or you're in danger of a snatch and run situation!! :roll: :lol:
My buns love it when I stroke their ears, holding them like in a gentle fist, and tugging (very!) gently on them. Also like their cheeks stroked backwards like a cat!