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Any Bunny Bed O'Linum users?


Mama Doe
I've just opened this stuff for the first time. The fibres are really small. Has it ever caused problems for snufflers?

Previously I used SmartBedz, but am trying this as I wondered if a softer texture might be nicer for her feet.
Thanks - I'd forgotten to bump this.
Duchess has posted before about using it (it's a litter / bedding made of plant fibre), but it's not that widely used on here.
I used to use it and loved it. I would still use it except I have six rabbits now and megazorb is cheaper! I found it ready to work with, absorbent and dust free.
Thanks Ali!

It certainly keeps smells down better than just hay and I haven't seen an increase in sneezing. Not sure whether I have a preference for this or SmartBedz, but they both seem good.