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Anus more open than usual?


Warren Veteran
Lovely topic, I know :?

You know how they have the central hole and when you pull it up a bit you have something pop out, depending on whether it's a boy or girl. Well either side of that you have 'slit' type openings, whih I guess is the anus? Anyway, normally these don't open up when you are checking your rabbits genitals. But since yesterday Lilly's has been opening up and I can see all the poo inside, lovely huh? When I examine my other 3 rabbits I can see the slits but they don't open up during a normal exam, so I guess Lilly's is a bit looser than usual. Is this something that normally happens to your rabbits? She is eating fine and very lively so I'm not overly worried. There was one messy poo in the run this morning, but I don't know if that was her or Wally. It's not unusual to find one of those in the morning. Obviously I'm keeping a close eye on her. Has anyone seen this before?
Possibly, I didn't know they were down there!

Is it usual to be able to see inside them?

(it certainly does stink when it was open!)
Yes, that sounds like scent glands. You can clean them so they stink less. You can use a cotton bud with warm water (some people use baby oil) and gently wipe from bottom to top.

It might be she is unsettled and so is scenting more, which might be why you can see them more.

I have some buns who have them open and some closed ones. As long as they look healthy (i.e. not red, sore, swollen, etc) then it should be fine I would think.