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Another Hector UPDATE post #25


Sending lots of healing vibes your way.

Just a suggestion, as I have 2 boys, perhaps as soon as you get the money,I would get the other brother neutered too.

And I was advised not to re-bond them until about 6-8 weeks after, so their hormones can die down a bit. But I would maybe ask other more experienced people on here what they think.

I'm sure others on here will also offer advice.

Good luck wth the boys
I took in Hector early this morning as it was the only appointment i could get.

The vet said that he must have been fighting with his brother and that he had a cut on his testes and some of it had come out causing the lump.

We hope to have caught it quick enough and he is undergoing a emergency castration as i type. I have to phone the vets at 2:30pm to see how he's getting on but fingers crossed he will be fine.

Thanks for all the suggestions and the vibes sent. Please send any spare vibes this way!!!

I get to keep my bottom dollar then!

I hope everything goes well, has the vet advised you to split them up until they have both been neutered and calmed down again?
Yes sooz you can keep ur dollar :p

As i said before they are usually inseparable and i was getting them castrated next week anyway.

If Hector recovers ok, he will be spending the week in the indoor cage and his brother is going in next week for his op so i will swap them over then.

I don't think they were fighting maliciously, they sometimes play fight-perhaps it just got out of hand. They were laying next to eachother until i took Hector out and moved him indoors last night. I hope they will be fine together in a few weeks.

Thanx for all the vibes :D
Hector is back home! I collected him at 3:30 and have been home for 50 mins now. He's absolutely fine. I have some antibiotics to give him and my vet said it was essential for him to eat and pass stools tonight.

He's half way as he hasn't stopped eating since he got in but hasnt produced any poo yet. But hey, rome wasn't built in a day, im just so glad it made it through the operation!

thanx again for all the vibes etc