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An Update on Bobbie- 3rd July- More Improvement :-)

Come on baby girl!!!
Please keep fighting dont give up! - you've been through so much! you only need to fight being sick and then you wont have to fight for anything again - because you will have it all!
Come on Princess! You can make it baby!
Vibes for Bobbie, come on little one this is your last battle and then you have a life of riley to enjoy! You can do it princess xxxxxx
This morning Bobbie is hardly eating:cry: She is still VERY congested and she's coughing and gagging :cry: I will be speaking with Christobel at 0830hrs.
Things are not looking at all good for Bobbie and its breaking my heart :cry: :cry:

oh jane lets just hope that wonder vet can help im sure your with her every step of the way

give her a gentle kiss from me and the buns and take care of your self
Aww that's sad - doesn't sound promising does it? :(

What about a nebuliser? Does your vet have one?
Come on Bobbie, keep fighting.
So sorry Jane, sending lots of vibes, I hope you and Christobel can see her through this.
Please keep fighting little Bobbie x x x x x
Hello Jane:wave:

You have helped me on a couple of occasions with my poorly rabbits - My Wilhemina has a nebuliser and in september last year my vet found an article in one of the veterinary magazines on nebulising and they recommended a mucolytic drug called Acetylcysteine - this provided immediate relief for Wilhemina's congestion and she now uses it regularly.

For Mina I mix a solution of 0.25ml of Acetylcysteine in 25ml of saline and then nebulise about 4-5ml over a 10 minute period every 12 hours. I'm not sure if this is helpful to you and Bobbie, but it took me so many months to find out about this drug that is really very effective that I thought I would share the info just incase it can help Bobbie. Mina goes in a nebuliser chamber but you can just hold the mouth piece of a human nebuliser in front of their faces for them to breathe in.
Thinking of both of you,
Thinking of you and Bobbie, I hope she pulls through, this is so sad for both you and her, she so deserves a nice life :cry:
Hello Jane:wave:

You have helped me on a couple of occasions with my poorly rabbits - My Wilhemina has a nebuliser and in september last year my vet found an article in one of the veterinary magazines on nebulising and they recommended a mucolytic drug called Acetylcysteine - this provided immediate relief for Wilhemina's congestion and she now uses it regularly.

For Mina I mix a solution of 0.25ml of Acetylcysteine in 25ml of saline and then nebulise about 4-5ml over a 10 minute period every 12 hours. I'm not sure if this is helpful to you and Bobbie, but it took me so many months to find out about this drug that is really very effective that I thought I would share the info just incase it can help Bobbie. Mina goes in a nebuliser chamber but you can just hold the mouth piece of a human nebuliser in front of their faces for them to breathe in.
Thinking of both of you,

Thanks so much for that info. I am going to try to obtain a paediatric nebuliser today and will ask Christobel about the Acetylcysteine.
Its so awful to see a Bun coughing so hard they go blue :cry:

I have spoken with Christobel who has suggested using a low dose of Torbugesic for its antitussive effect in the hope that it'll soothe Bobbie's cough. Bobbie will remain on the Depocillin Injections too. This poor, poor Bunny is still suffering as a DIRECT RESULT OF THAT :censored: BREEDERS CRUELTY..........:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am off to work now and will be thinking of Bobbie and you and hoping she will get some relief today - she is such a brave little girl.
Oh Jane:cry: :cry: :cry:

I really hope you & Christobel can get the oh so brave Bobbie through this..................................

Please take care of yourself too.
