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Advice on litter training


Alpha Buck
Hi there, I was wondering if I could get some advice regarding litter training. We have had Gypsy a week now and things have gone from really good to fantastic :D. She has become so much more outgoing and loves her new living space, she has even ventured out of her area and spent time exploring other parts of the house downstairs, however she is not using her litter box, I have found a urinated corner in the litter box but not much more than that, from what i can see she is doing it in corners of her cage but she doesn't do it when out in her run which is attached 24/7 with her cage door open. I realise it is early days but I would like to start training her if possible and start getting her used to pooping in the litter boxes provided. We have used wooden pellets which is what we use for the cats and just recently i changed it as i cleaned the area out and I popped some of her older poop (not a lot) in the clean tray with some litter pellets and straw, still hasn't used it though. How did you litter train your Rabbits?
We find that a lot of rabbits are encouraged to use a litter tray which is full of hay. Rabbits like to chew while they pooh! You do need to try to get her litter trained as it makes it so much easier. Also spaying will help when she is old enough. Good luck.
Ah thanks guys. I have been using straw for her bed area in the cage too, should I stop using straw for that reason and just keep straw to the litter tray? She has urinated in the litter box which I initially thought was great but when i cleaned everything there was a lot of urine in both corners of her cage too (Opposite end to the tray). xx
Mine have a litter tray per rabbit they are 32litre underbed storage boxex with newspaper straw and hay in them. They do poo Outside them but not wee.
We have 2 indoor rabbits which are free range, when we got biscuit our living room was filled with litter trays, everytime he weed we placed him the tray and any mess we cleaned, was with tissue and placed it in the tray, over time he got used to doing it so se slowly removed the litter boxes so now he only goes in the tray! Lucy we got about 7 months after biscuit and she copied him!! Try putting her food in the tray, you may be confusing her with the hay in the cage and hay in the litter tray! Try using mega Zorb, it's A lot better for their skin!!

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