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A quick question (or two) on feed please


Mama Doe
I am currently feeding my 2 buns hay, a variety of fresh veg (which I have introduced gradually over the past week as wasn't too sure what they'd tried already/hadn't) and the same mix the lady I got them from was feeding them and Mum (it's a brand from P@H with "large peas" in it) as I didn't want to change too much at once.

Any-ho! I have 2 questions please:

1) As this "large pea" affair is a mix I have no idea in the world which bun is eating what, but in a bid to prevent "selective feeding" have been allowing the bowl to become empty (which is quite easy to do as I pass the bowl regularly with them being indoors) and only re-filling it once this is the case...BUT how do I know then if one bun is eating all things nice and the other isn't getting any of said things?? I am now in a ponder whether I ought do a "top-up" when the bowl becomes low to increase the chances of both getting a chance at all in the mix? Your thinking on this please?:?

Which leads me to my next question:

2) I obviously need change them to a pellet feed to avoid the above in the future. This I intend mixing bit by bit with "large peas" mix until the feed is all pellet as it stands. Is this the right way to do it or do I go "straight in" with a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture - more pellet than half to get the change quicker if I don't know who's eating what? AND can anyone please recommend a pellet to me? - I don't want to go through the whole "feed change" to discover that I need change it again at a later date because I am not happy with my selected pellet.:?

Thanking you muchly for any help!!

I would change over gradually.Mix with a few pellets and a few more pellets the next day.
You could try A&P pellets,Excell,science selective or oxbow.
I am at the moment changing mine over from SS to oxbow:D
Thanks very much Becca - I will look out for those brands and change "bit by bit"...why are you changing to oxbow out of interest though...:?

In the meantime can anybody please help me out with my first question (I don't expect to have the car to purchase pellets until next week...)

Personally I wouldn't give any more mix than your already giving. They've obviously been ok so far so they should be fine until you can get some pellets.
I am changing their food has i have noticed one of them isn,t eating their caecotrophs.Since gradually changing over it is not a problem:D
With two buns you will not know who is eating what with the mix.When you change to pellets at least you will know that just one isn,t picking out the good bits:D
Thanking you both!:D

I will keep feeding as I have been and change to one of the pellets suggested "bit by bit" next week.

Ahh! I feel better now I have a "feeding plan" sorted.:)
