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A good age to feed buns veg questions


Young Bun
my buns 2 and half months old and i have a few questions
Whats a good age too feed buns Veg and fruit?
... if its okay to slowly put her on veg whats the best to start of with as in what vegtables and fruit ?
If bunnies have never eaten veg before the recommended age to start giving them some is 12 weeks. Just start by giving them tiny pieces of 1 veg at a time. You can feed herbs as well and forage. I like Spring Greens or long grass but do it gradually and monitor their output :D You can also give them Readigrass but not too much fruit or carrots as these are high in sugar. Some rabbits can tolerate more than others.
:wave: We've just been introducing veg to our 3-month-old mini lop. There's a list of safe foods here (from the sticky at the top of the diet & digestion boards)
We've introduced basil and parsley so far, and are going to try rocket next. As tonibun said, we've introduced things very slowly (tiny bits to begin with) and kept a close eye on output :lol:
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Slowly slowly as mentioned above....any uneaten ceacotrophs and you stop giving it to them. I have one bun who has a stomach that can handle anything and he can eat loads of veges and herbs..whereas another of my bunny can only handle a small amount so I dont bother much with vege...i forage for wild foods that wild buns would eat and its brilliant..have a look at the RWAF website for the books Foraging for rabbits by Twiggs. Its like £4 - super cheap and a wealth of knowledge.

good luck ;-)