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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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7 day old rabbit UD now 2 weeks 4 days advice please

Awww you rabbits are lovely and the baby is so cute!

I am in Nottinghamshire and paid £70 for a spay at vets for pets. Some other vets in Nottinghamshire are cheaper- Bingham is good. I just have a bunny that doesn't really do well on long car journeys

ok im probably worrying about nothing, but just have a feeling, our baby bun is now 2 weeks and 4 days old, looks perfect im checking twice a day, eyes are fine, growing well but i just have a naggin feelin,
its very cold now 0 degrees last couple of nights, baby feels warmish not as warm as before, it had been starting to venture out a bit the last few days, if you tried to stroke it it would hop out into the bigger side, today it just puts its ears down and snuggles up frightened (im presuming) please tell me im just paranoid lol :)
also when is it likely to start eating drinking etc, ive picked up another water bottle today so i can have one lower down as well
It will already be nibbling hay, and as soon as it leaves the nest it will start experimenting with food and water so any time now is fine to add it in.

I would say maybe take extra precautions to kee3p the hutch and area warm. What do you do to it over?
the hutch is in a covered area between the house and brick shed, so boxed in all but 1 side, so pretty sheltered, we dont have a hutch cover, so when it got colder a few days ago we put a couple of tarpaulins over side and front so its completely covered.
have checked tonight and the baby is even more covered than before (it has a brilliant mummy :)) it was sleeping soundly also saw it was cleaning itself so would think thats a good sign, think i was just stressing would hate something to happen to it thats all :oops: