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26th April-all too much-michael's dead, bobbie is very ill

Thinking of you, Jane and Michael and Patrick.

I am finding nursing one poorly bunny incredibly stressful - I really admire you coping with two - but then I guess you just have to get on with it really.

Sending them both lots and lots of vibes and you strength xxxx
have only just seen this thread. im so sorry to hear whats been happening. huge amounts of vibes for them both. you are doing the very best for them and keeping them happy as possible and thats what counts. big hugs to all three of you. xx
Patrick has not eaten for almost 2 days now :cry:

He is so miserable, despite all the pain relief :cry: He just wants to sleep and to be left alone. But if I do that he'll die

Patrick has not eaten for almost 2 days now :cry:

He is so miserable, despite all the pain relief :cry: He just wants to sleep and to be left alone. But if I do that he'll die


:cry::cry: Hopefully he will eat in the next day or two. I know the despair. Mr B didn't eat probably for 5 days and his poo was the most dire poo I have ever seen.

Mega mega vibes for Patrick.