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Search results

  1. R

    In Memorium Su Cannonwoman

    I didn't know Su personally either, but she was obviously well loved and has certainly been missed on the forum. My thoughts are with her family this weekend xx
  2. R

    Vibes for Hermy and Janak U/D post 273

    Janak I'm so sorry for your loss :( I know words can't bring Hermy back or make the hurt go away, but I want you to know we're here for you. You gave Hermy an amazing life and you couldn't have done any more for her than you did. Binky free Hermy and a big hug for you and Oscar xx
  3. R

    'To the Irresponsible Breeder'- A Poem.

    Oh how sad, that just brought on the tears :(
  4. R

    Feed Before Neutering?

    Rabbits can't vomit so he needs to be fed right up until the op as normal!
  5. R

    This >>> :-) is me right now!!!

    Sooz that's fantastic news!! I'm very pleased to hear Mack is doing so well, you must be so relieved! :D
  6. R


    How exciting J!! He's gorgeous! :love:
  7. R

    New to the rabbit world...exciting!...

    Oh my gosh, how adorable!! :love: :love: :love:
  8. R

    Greetings from the Sunshine State

    Welcome to RU from a fellow US member! :wave:
  9. R

    Im New Hi

    Welcome :wave:
  10. R

    How do u stop a bunny ripping up his bedding(newspaper)???

    I use something else for the litter tray so they don't make a mess ripping that up and then I give them newspaper in a cardboard box for them to shred. My two love shredding the newspaper and the cardboard box, it's hours of rabbit fun! :lol:
  11. R

    Indoor bunnies & cooking!

    Oh that is so funny, my Piper does the same thing!! Anytime I am cooking anything aromatic, she hides in the corner and won't come out for anything! It took me ages to connect the two, but everytime without fail she hides when we cook... Silly bun! :lol::lol:
  12. R

    Darling velveteen Zuki <3

    Poor little Zuki :( Binky free little bun. Sorry for your friends loss, Laura. I hope she is doing ok xx
  13. R

    Any spare vibes

    Hey you :wave: we have toooons of snow! Such a white winter, how's yours?? Let us know how LaRue does at the vet.
  14. R

    Fundraiser in Loving Memory of Jess

    pm'd you too!
  15. R

    Any spare vibes

    So sorry to hear about LaRue :( Mega vibes that she gets better soon, and a hug for you xx
  16. R


    Such a sad ending :( Sleep tight Jess, have fun at the rainbow bridge. xx
  17. R

    It wasn't me mummy!!

    I don't believe it! :lol:
  18. R


    :lol: :lol: Love it!
  19. R

    What do your buns like to destroy?

    Exactly! I think the better question is, what don't my buns like to destroy... :lol:
  20. R

    Hi guys, our new bunnies

    What gorgeous little buns!! :love: :love: I can't believe anybody could treat them like that :( Good on you for taking them in :D