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Search results

  1. B

    Rabbit nutrition-ingredients

    Just a thought but does anyone feed a low energy, high fibre horse feed to their rabbits? They eat pretty much the same thing and I notice the main ingredients and analysis is very similar to the feeds I buy for my Donkey.
  2. B

    Rabbit nutrition-ingredients

    Id like to learn more about rabbit nutrition. Ive noticed on rabbit foods it never says what ingredients are in it, Does anyone know what might be the main ingredients in the average pellet? Also my rabbits diet is made up of mainly hay, and fruit and veg, they have a small handful of an...
  3. B

    Banana skins

    Are banana skins ok for bunnies to eat?
  4. B

    Home prepared concentrated food

    I bought an old rabbit handbook and it says that as a concentrated food you can feed a handful of oats or barley and a little bit of cod liver oil or sunflower seeds. It also says that bread can be fed in small amounts. I understand the info might be a bit out of date but is it possible to make...
  5. B

    Litter training very difficult bunnies.

    I am having trouble litter training my two rabbits. Since moving in together about 6-8 weeks ago they began by using the whole of the lower level of the hutch as their toilet. My plan was to get them to use the downstairs sleeping compartment as the toilet. I have just been putting newspaper...
  6. B

    Bunny doesn't have a winter coat

    In the summer my English rabbit had a really thick coat and then he started moulting. Now his coat is really thin. He doesn't feel cold and has a secure hutch with bedding and another rabbit to snuggle up to. Is there something wrong with him or should I just tell him that it is winter and he...
  7. B

    Building a rabbit house-weather protection

    We are planning to build an open walk-in rabbit house, it will be a wooden frame, covered in mesh and will have a hutch inside it for the rabbits to sleep in. As it will be mainly open I wonder how they will be protected from the weather. It will have a wooden roof and I wondered what if there...
  8. B

    All that waste, what do you do with it?

    Having 3 of my own buns and my brothers rabbit staying over, you can imagine how much poo they produce. This creates a lot of waste along with messy hay and newspaper. I can fill a big black bag in 2 days. It just goes in the dustbin, but I was wondering if it can be 'recycled' in anyway?
  9. B

    Pics of your hutches/rabbit houses

    Wow there are some bunny heavens in those pictures, they make my hutches/runs seem so boring. Id love to have them all in something like a converted shed/run but on a budget:cry: not great.
  10. B

    Pics of your hutches/rabbit houses

    Aren't the 4 tier hutches hard to clean with the run being on front? I love the wendy house!!! Anyone else got any pics?
  11. B

    Pics of your hutches/rabbit houses

    I need a new hutch or rabbit house made up so that I can bond another rabbit to my pair. Id love to see peoples hutches or houses to see if I can get any inspiration for my perfect bunny home.
  12. B

    Just a quick pets at home question

    I have heard a lot of bad things about pets at home, at the back of my local store there is a river, and apparently they chuck any dead animals in there. Thats only what i heard though, i don't know if its true. The rabbits do have a lovely enclosure. It has improved a lot recently.
  13. B

    How common is eye sight trouble in rabbits?

    My mum suspects that her dwarf lop has an eyesight problem. How common is this in rabbits and what are the tell tale signs?
  14. B

    wanted in lancashire

    Large rabbit hutch - at least 5 ft preferably bigger and a wooden run. will pay any reasonable price and can collect
  15. B

    Bonding a 3rd rabbit

    I am definitely going to try, I hate seeing her on her own. But first I need to find suitable housing for them all to live in before I bond them because al the rooms in the house are... shall we say, got rabbit smell on them or just 'used up'. Anyone in Lancashire selling a big hutch or run?
  16. B

    Bonding a 3rd rabbit

    The third rabbit I want to bond to my existing pair is very lonely, and i'm prepared to take the risk with bonding her with the others. If everything goes wrong i'm sure there will be another solution. The main thing that i'm worried about is if the existing bonded pair 'break up' even if they...
  17. B

    Bonding a 3rd rabbit

    Id like to bond another rabbit to my recently bonded pair. I know nothing about bonding a rabbit into a group so please could I have some guidance?
  18. B

    Am I feeding to little?

    My bunnies get a handful of alfalfa bunny mix each in the morning and a bit of veg at night. Of course, they have unlimited hay which they love. At mealtimes they go frantic like they haven't eaten in a week, is this just excitement or are they starving? They seem to be a healthy weight.
  19. B

    Hutches are too small

    Have you noticed how pet shops, centres, website etc only sell small hutches, most of them are about 3ft long?. I think this is far too small and its not helping new rabbit owners who believe that this is enough space for a rabbit. Don't you think they should be making much bigger hutches and...
  20. B

    urgent! i need bonding opinions and advice... i'm failing!!

    You bonding area needs to be somewhere COMPLETELY neutral where none of your rabbits have been before. If there isn't a room in your house could you try a friends house? I would then put all your bunnies in together to bond, dont be worried by a bit of scrapping or chasing, it is normal but...