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Hutches are too small


Young Bun
Have you noticed how pet shops, centres, website etc only sell small hutches, most of them are about 3ft long?. I think this is far too small and its not helping new rabbit owners who believe that this is enough space for a rabbit. Don't you think they should be making much bigger hutches and encouraging new owners to buy at least a 4ft hutch?
Does anyone know where I can buy a BIG hutch, at least 5 ft long?
Lot of places still are way behind in the welfare of the rabbit with regards to homing.

They still think rabbits are simply rodents and require little room to happily live in..

Makes me very angry... :censored: .... specially when rabbits normally live in open shrub land etc!.. its plain obvious they need space.
Hi:wave: I brought a 6ftX2X2 hutch for my guinea pigs off ebay and by a company called Albany Pets. I paid £40.00 for it which is a great price for such a big hutch. I also brought a dog crate from them for transporting my buns for £20.00 - bargain!!:D
Its really annoying :? Getting my happyhutches posted to me cost more than both the hutches. Pet shops dont sell anything suitable for rabbits here
Absolutely, I dont understand whey they make such small hutches, it's the same in France and it seems to be designed for babies not adults they cannot move inside !!! should I have bought one for Chloe she would have gone with the hutch on her back like a tortoise :D :D