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  1. B


    Hi Went to my bunny shed this morning and one of my little nethies didn't look to happy and didn't rush for his food as usual, he was kind of laying out flat and then trying to hide (difficult to know if he is pooing as he lives with his brother). First off, I have given tummy rubs and some...
  2. B

    French Lop Owners. ??

    I have a french lop doe called Fleur. Shes about 18 months old now and blue!! She looks like a cuddly teddy, but she is very independent and whilst she doesn't mind being stroked, she will not be picked up!! apart from that she binkies all over the place, stretches out like a dog and has the...
  3. B

    Where's my nearest Rabbit Show? - Please help..

    Hiya You could log onto fur and feather website (BRC) as they list all the shows. I went to one last year just to view not to show. I was very disappointed, the people were not at all friendly and just ignored us - perhaps it may have been different if we were exhibiting. I felt like an...
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    Destructive Bunny!

    Ha Ha!! sounds just like my frenchie Fleur. She has been speyed, but still destroys everything in her path, despite giving her toys, willow sticks, stacks of hay and a cardboard box!! If anything is in her way she just picks it up in her teeth and throws it and can dig for England!! She has...
  5. B

    New Rescue Bunny - Please meet Josie

    As you say, she looks in healthy condition considering her living arrangements and lack of care. Well done to you for rescuing this dear little thing - it is heartwarming to know she will be well looked after now. I love lops too and she is absolutely gorgeous! So glad she has found safety...
  6. B

    How much do you spend on hay each month?

    I spend £20 per month for 4 buns and a guinea pig. This is from a pet shop and is packed into mini bales. This stretches to being topped up morning and night, plus litter trays cleaned out every other day. I wish I could find a farm shop/stable to buy a proper bale, so if anyone in the...
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    Myxi Care update - Jet has passed away :-(

    Hi I am so sorry to hear that you lost jet, especially after fighting so hard to help him recover. My thoughts are with you. xx
  8. B

    What's Your Rabbit Called And Why? 2008

    Fleur - because she is a french lop and I wanted a girly french name for her. Jinxy - already named at the rescue Buttons Fudge Both these named as they are practically identical chocolate coloured bunnies! Good Luck with compiling the list. xx
  9. B

    Myxi Vaccination - when?

    I was getting all excited about that offer as I have four to vaccinate, but then I read about the 9 month gap which won't apply. My vet is one that participates - perhaps i will be a bit cheeky and ask about it anyway as they have an appointment next saturday for their jabs!! Great way of...
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    Cost of injections

    My vet charges £25.50 per bunny for myxi and vhd if you book them together. I didn't think that was too bad?
  11. B

    Do your bonded bunnies ...

    Fleur my french lop who is without doubt the naughtiest bunny I've ever had definitely leads her little husbun astray. He follows her everywhere, so when she starts something he joins in!! I,m sure he wouldn't think of it if she wasn't showing him what to do. It is funny to watch them...
  12. B

    Do you close off access to run at bedtime

    Mine are locked in at night too, - it gives me peace of mind otherwise I would be awake all night worrying what if.......... I have tried to make the runs as secure as possible from predators, putting two layers of wire round the runs and sinking wire into earth too, but as it is on grass, I...
  13. B

    Studio Photos

    hiya!! :wave: I am the proud owner of these gorgeous bunnies!! Sarah Jane did some beautiful photos for me, I can't stop looking at them. I think she has captured perfectly the bond between fleur and jinxy - very talented young lady!! As for the little nethie brothers, I have only had them a...
  14. B

    What type of ...

    I have a morphy Richards Performair Pet. It has a hepa filter and comes with a spare whilst you wash one out. Good suction and lots of tools with it too. £99 in Argos, £89 from amazon.
  15. B

    name my bunnies .......

    excellent suggestions! There is definitely something amongst that lot I can choose. Thank you!!
  16. B

    name my bunnies .......

    Hi I am ashamed to say that I got two gorgeous little nethie brothers a few months back and can't find any suitable names that I like for them, so I have been affectionately calling them little bunny boys. Perhaps you can give me some inspiration, as they need something permanent..... They...
  17. B

    Entertaining a french lop???

    Hi My frenchie lives in a 10 x 8 shed with a 24 foot run attached. She has numerous bits and pieces in the shed to play with such as a box to rip up and mounds of hay and a boyfriend to share it all with. However, she still doesn't seem satisfied and tends to bulldoze her way through...
  18. B

    How much do you feed your rabbits?

    My nethies get a very small handfull of pellets in the morning and a tiny handful in the evening. They have unlimited hay topped up with vegetables. The french lop and her boyfriend (a smaller lop) get a larger handful twice a day, again with unlimited hay and veggies. This seems to be working...
  19. B

    safe "materials" for bunnies to dig!

    Hi My bunnies are one year old now. It is the female french lop who is the worst culprit!! I think I will try some sand or soil then to see if it helps!! Otherwise we will have no grass left!! xx
  20. B

    safe "materials" for bunnies to dig!

    Hi My bunnies, bless them, have just decided after all this time to start digging out of their runs!! I have put wire down so they can't go far, but is there anything "safe" I can put in a box so that they can dig that instead, as obviously they find it fun!! Thanks for any ideas x