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  1. Jacqueline122

    Pinterest strikes again!

    What is it with people on Pinterest and their terrible animal ideas! I think this is terrible and far too small for even a lap dog to sleep in :(
  2. Jacqueline122

    So excited!

    Just purchased proper hay and it smells so great! She better like it because it's pretty expensive... Got some of the PAH Timothy hay too for bedding etc because she does eat it just not enough I feel!
  3. Jacqueline122

    Hello? *pic*

    Saying hello to RU
  4. Jacqueline122

    The cutest thing...

    Watching bunnys clean their ears has to be one of the cutest things! Love it
  5. Jacqueline122

    Pea shoots?

    Can rabbits eat pea shoots? Picked up a bag from morrisons and thought I'd give some to Molly :)
  6. Jacqueline122

    Does anybody meal plan?

    I'm pretty regimented when it comes to meal planning, I write up 28 or a little less meals and make a four week plan so I know exact amounts to buy when I do a weekly shop. As we're living with my parents just now I've not done it in a while but I can't wait to get back in to it, we won't be...
  7. Jacqueline122

    How much exercise?

    As some of you may of already read, my husband and I are currently living with my parents to save for a mortgage. Obviously bringing along our pets Lelah & Molly. Molly has always been a house bun and had run of the house and her own bedroom when we private rented. When we moved here my mum...
  8. Jacqueline122

    Handheld Hoover.

    I purchased a handheld Hoover for cleaning the mess my bun makes, absolutely love it! Makes it so much easier because she makes a lot of mess! Plus it's not as noisy as my Henry so she doesn't get scared :)
  9. Jacqueline122

    Dog pictures.

    I notice there's quite a lot of dog owners on here too, so I thought we could post our pics :) Here is my best friend, Lelah :) And with her friend, Kodi. (My mums dog) Show me yours :) !
  10. Jacqueline122

    Not eating enough hay?!

    I don't think Molly eats enough hay, she's more in to pellets & veg. My question is, can I take the pellets & veg away for a day or two to encourage her to eat more hay?
  11. Jacqueline122

    Is Molly drinking her enough?

    She only ever drinks about 50ml of water a day! Sometimes a little less. Doesn't seem like a lot to me? I've tried her with a bowl instead of a bottle but she just tips it over...
  12. Jacqueline122

    Top pooper!

    It's like she saves her poop up until I let her on my bed... 5 minutes in!
  13. Jacqueline122

    Today was a good day!

    Molly had a few binkies today for the first time in about a month after having dental treatment and currently dealing with EC. :) :) :)
  14. Jacqueline122

    Why does Molly do this?

    http://youtu.be/MCNuS549YOk Just wondering why Molly is always rearranging the towel or my bed cover or anything in site really :lol:
  15. Jacqueline122

    Sawdust or straw?

    I've always used newspaper and sawdust on the floor of Molly's cage but I've noticed a few fleeting comments about sawdust & just wondering if I should do away with it and lay straw down instead?
  16. Jacqueline122


    Just wondering what's some of your buns favourite fruits & veg? Molly loves carrot tops and broccoli stalks. Hates bananas and she will only eat carrots if I shred them first. Im trying her with kale this evening, hope she likes it :)
  17. Jacqueline122

    Vets & EC

    Does anybody know if I can request medication from the vets without taking Molly in? She's only got panacur for EC but I want to get anti inflammatory and anti biotics (incase of eat infection). I don't want to take her in because it stresses her out and she's already having a hard time!
  18. Jacqueline122


    Just wondering if anyone had/has a rabbit with e.cuniculi and what happened?
  19. Jacqueline122


    Some of you may remember that a few weeks ago my rabbit started having fits after an operation to file her teeth down. I'm currently giving her panacur as I think she has EC. Things have been going really well, no fits & she's back to her normal curious self! Well, earlier on I had her out on...
  20. Jacqueline122

    Is Molly lonely?

    When I first got my rabbit I was always told not to get two as they will fight, so I never got another one and now five years on I realise the advice given to me is rubbish! Do you think she's lonely? I would of loved to give her a friend but I think it's too late now :(