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Warren Scout
Just wondering what's some of your buns favourite fruits & veg?

Molly loves carrot tops and broccoli stalks.

Hates bananas and she will only eat carrots if I shred them first.

Im trying her with kale this evening, hope she likes it :)
N&T like pretty much everything!

Their favourites are sprouts and parsnips. They get parsnips very rarely though. They also like carrots but they only ever get the occasional bit of peel.

Mostly they just love all of their veg :lol: They get cabbage/kale/sprouts/broccoli/spring greens every day.

They almost never get fruit. The only time they do is when they're poorly and I mix it with painkillers/antibiotics/recovery food etc :)

Kale is a hit! :love:
Mine so far (had them 3 weeks) eat everything I've given them with the same level of enthusiasm (gone in a minute and climbing over me to find more!) I couldn't tell you if they had a favourite! :lol:
Spring greens and parsley
And all the bananas in the world please- so maybe half a banana between them every fortnight, mainly to help with claw clipping or vet visits
I dont tend to feed fruit and veg, their favourites are parsley and apple twigs, although they do go a bit crazy for dandelion which I had about 1m square flower bed of last year!
Everything!! I only have to rustle a bag and its bedlam hahaha I think herbs are there favorite, though Quincey did run off with a bourbon biscuit the other day lol xx
Everything!! I only have to rustle a bag and its bedlam hahaha I think herbs are there favorite, though Quincey did run off with a bourbon biscuit the other day lol xx

That's hilarious haha! Bet he was bouncing off the walls with the sugar. I didn't even think to give Molly herbs until I joined the forum! Hope she enjoys them
My 2 will eat pretty much anything but favourites are carrot tops, parsley and kale.
They never get fruit and rarely get carrots.
Hmm Molly stuck her nose up at the herbs but I did wake her up, maybe she's not ready for eating. I've left a little of each for her to have a sniff when she wakes up completely
My two now will eat pretty much anything! If I give them a selection of veg and herbs Ruby usually goes for brocolli or cabbage first, and Willow goes for the herbs first, his favourites are probably dill and parsley. Willow usually snaffles the herbs up before Ruby has a chance to get at them :lol:
I don't really give them fruit because Willow was a bit of a chubby bun when I got him so I was trying to slim him down. I used to give the odd bits of banana or apple to Pipkin and he went mad for it :love:
When Floooble mentioned the biscuit it brought to mind a bunny from another forum I used to be on that stalked her owner for the bag of groceries that she'd just brought in, while putting things away the bun pinched a lemon and ran off with it...a few seconds later they found her thumping in the hallway at the lemon which had a slight bite mark where the bun had grabbed it with her teeth...I guess she didn't approve of the flavor! :lol:

My Mimzy is the only one who an tolerate greens without too much tummy upset. His good weather favorites are wild hayseed and dandelions, but in winter he gets green leaf lettuce (only the darkest green at the tops, no stalks), kale and sometimes parsley and carrot tops...but the latter two tend to give him heavy sludge so he only gets them once in a while.
I bought some of the Naturals fenugreek crunchies after reading about them on here and also from the same range something called herb plus. They liked the crunchies but I opened the herb plus and it smelt sweet. They've never had anything sweet apart from a bit of carrot. I sprinkled a tiny bit over their salad and thought they'd go crazy for it but they tucked into their salad and left all the new bits of herb plus at the bottom. It's the first time they haven't liked something!! And I've got a 500g bag of the stuff!