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Search results

  1. redlabel

    Bella and Buttons start their Advent stocking

    Bella and buttons were lucky enough to win a PaP Advent stocking, which they started yesterday and so I thought I would post a couple of photos. Bella knows there is something worth having in there - no sign of Buttons, being blind he is always a little bit behind. Enjoying what they found.
  2. redlabel

    Stalky hay current recommendations

    Bella + Buttons usually have meadow hay bought locally. I've tried samples of all the other types but they haven't gone down too well. Anyway, the meadow hay at the moment all seems to be stalky but very fine and it's not suiting Bella (who is a fussy, dental bun) and so I am looking for a...
  3. redlabel

    Plants for roof of run

    Remember seeing a fab run on here with lots of plants growing on and around the run and thinking I'd love to do that. I have nasturtiums growing around and now I'm in the mood to do something on the roof. The part I'm thinking of is a flat wooden sheltered section - and probably just herbs. I...
  4. redlabel

    Hawthorn and pear blossom

    Have been feeding these branches for a week or two but now noticing more and more have blossom. Is it OK to include that too or shall I just remove it? Thanks!
  5. redlabel

    Help - my signature has disappeared...

    and I don't know how to get it back! I have been to the link that Owned by rabbits sent me to try and reload it but it's not connecting. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks.
  6. redlabel

    Rabbit not eating greens query

    I usually give a handful of foraged greens (dandelion, plantain, groundsel etc) every morning and normally Buttons devours it at the speed of light. Yesterday, however, and today, he just hasn't been interested. Sure he's not poorly as on both occasions he's just jumped back into his basket and...
  7. redlabel

    Snugglesafe/microwave question

    So my snugglesafe arrived this afternoon complete with instructions in French, German and Dutch! I'm pretty sure the instructions are saying it can be heated with or without the cover but thought I would check here.Thanks!
  8. redlabel

    Runaround and garage

    Thinking of moving buns' hutch into garage ready for colder weather but this would mean putting their runaround tunnel through a brick wall. Has anyone done it and is it fairly straightforward? Thanks!
  9. redlabel

    Question about grasses

    Would like to add more grass (gradually) to the buns' diet. Just wondering if all types of wild grasses - afraid I don't know names - are OK to feed in moderation. Have done lots of searches here but failed to find anything definite. Thanks.
  10. redlabel

    Checking droppings

    When both rabbits use the same litter tray how can you know which rabbit has produced which droppings? All droppings look fine but just wondering for future reference. Same applies to hay rack too; if you're not watching constantly how can you know how much each bun has had?
  11. redlabel

    Advice re hay please

    Looking to buy some farm hay rather than supermarket bags and would like some advice please. There are a couple of local suppliers: one offering 'good quality horse hay', one offering 'good quality seed hay'. Which, if any, would be suitable? Thanks!
  12. redlabel

    Hide away for run

    Hello - I'm looking for a wooden hide away house for the corner of the run but getting v confused by lack of information re sizes ( and how they define small rabbit). Can anyone recommend one or does anyone find a pop up tent works well? Thank you.
  13. redlabel

    Front of hutch run

    Trying to get my head round this... If the run is attached to the front of the hutch (rather than an under run with ramp) do you have to leave the hutch doors open all the time to allow access to the run?
  14. redlabel

    Which would be better...?

    Hello everyone! Considering these 2 options for my new hutch + run - 6 x 2 x 2 hutch with a 6 x 6 front run which is on the patio or the same hutch with a 6 x 3 run with a tunnel to another 6 x 3 run on grass. Thanks.