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Search results

  1. B


    Thank you, Becca.
  2. B

    Happy Gotcha day Dutchie

    aw, what a cutie. :)
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    So... who has got Pumpkins..

    Great pumpkins, everyone!
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    Our Sweet Little Mochi

    I wish we could have Mochi buried with us but unfortunately we live in a flat. Our next best choice was to have her cremated. I found a bunny pendant on a site that will allow me to keep some of her ashes with me too. We also kept a tuft of her fur before we took her to get cremated. The...
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    Has anyone had their loved bun (or piggie) cremated? DH & I decided to have our Mochi cremated instead of buried and we're really new to the idea. Experiences, anyone? Words of wisdom?
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    Tammy and Benji three bunnys bubs

    You have a precious family. :D
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    Farwell my Wispa

    RIP, sweet bunny...
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    Our Sweet Little Mochi

    Cremation Has anyone had their loved bun (or piggie) cremated?
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    Our Sweet Little Mochi

    Thank you, funnybunny.
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    memories of candy...

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I just lost my Mochi 2 days ago and am having a lot of trouble getting over her passing...
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    Kitkat, my little grumpy princess

    Sproggie, what a beautiful bun. I'm so sorry for your loss...
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    Our Sweet Little Mochi

    Yes, she was a huge loss for us and completely unexpected. I've been crying like a baby off and on the past couple of days. How have some of you memorialized your bun or piggie?
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    My First Indoor Rabbit

    Basirascal has a good point: has your bun been neutered?
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    Proper Hello....with pics

    Welcome to RU!! :D
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    Hey all!

    That's great, Fibbles! I'm new to RU as well - we can both get to know this site and the bunderful parents on here together. :D
  16. B

    Hello Hello Hello!

    I had 3 piggies too (about 10 years ago). Welcome to RU. :wave:
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    Hello from Manila

    Hi, Clarisse. I'm new here too. Welcome to the site! Btw, my mom is from the PI too (Cebu). :)
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    Bad day!!!

    So sorry to hear about your bad day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :)
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    Proud of my Oggieflump! :-)

    Aw, that's bunderful!! :love:
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    Thank you Thanks, yes, I posted there before here. We appreciate the welcome - thank you again.