• Forum/Server Upgrade If you are reading this you have made it to the upgraded forum. Posts made on the old forum after 26th October 2023 have not been transfered. Everything else should be here. If you find any issues please let us know.



Young Bun
Hi, everyone. For privacy reasons (I hope ya'll understand) I won't disclose our real names unless we PM; however, we don't want to be complete strangers either. Just call me JB & the hubby, well... he'll just be known as DH. Lol

It's nice to see a site where we can meet others who live, breathe, love and do everything bunny-related. We've been slaves to our bunnies for about a couple of years now (I've had 2 buns when I was younger but nowhere near as knowledgeable as I am now & this is DH's first time). Yes, we are on bunspace.com but due to other events that life has rolled our way, we haven't been active the past few months. We plan on going back sometime soon - especially since we need to memorialize our sweet, Mochi. She left for the RB only 2 days ago and we've been having an extremely hard time coping. We are really trying to reach out to other bunny parents who've gone through this...:cry: So if anybun has any ideas for us on coping and getting through, we are very open to it...
Hello and welcome to RU. Sorry for your recent loss. We have a rainbow bridge section if you would like to post a tribute
Hello and Welcome:D
Sorry to hear of your loss:(
It is totally devastating when we lose one of our animals:(
welcome sorry for your loss, some members plant a tree or rose bush, something like a small apple or willow tree that you can give to future buns as a legacy and a constant reminder is nice. xx