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Search results

  1. L

    Difficulties with bonding females.

    Hi. Cant help much with the bonding, but looking at your pics, on some of them it looks as if you have the bun out in the open and not in an enclosure. I would advise against this cos if it gets spooked you would not believe how fast a rabbit can run. They dart from side to side making it near...
  2. L

    how long does it take for new rescue bunnies to settle in

    Most rabbits do not like to be picked up. The best thing to do is sit on the floor and let them come to you and stroke them. If you give them a tasty treat of a little bit of cabbage or dandelion leaf, they will soon associate you with noms and come to you. If doing a bum check, just swiftly...
  3. L

    Won't stop digging!

    You need to put the run on paving slabs. I've done this for mine and it stops them trying to dig out. If your garden is not secure, like mine is, I would say do this now, or you will end up with your bun getting run over or attacked by a dog or cat. If she is on her own, then of course she is...
  4. L

    Quickest bond ever?

    Hi I got a friend for my boy on sunday the 20th March. On the Wed I tried them together for the first time and there was no humping nipping chasing or anything! By the Sunday I had them together in the shed and they've been together ever since with no problems at all. I am so happy for my boy...
  5. L

    Keeping rabbits in a bird aviary?

    With rabbits being clean by nature, if the birds are going to be pooping on the floor of the rabbits area, or even on the the poor bunnys. I personally wouldn't. Is there a way you could split the aviary, with the buns on the floor and the birds above but seperated?
  6. L

    How much would it cost you to keep 20 rabbits?

    Re veggies. Do you have a morrisons near you? They trim the Caulies in mine and put the leaves in a tray underneath so anyone can help themselves. if I go in and there aren't any, I ask one of the lads and they trim a few for me. They are lovely and fresh and the guinea pigs love them. They also...
  7. L

    When do you break a bond? - STILL NEED SOME HELP PLEASE!

    Hi. To be honest, if they were my buns and one of them was really unhappy as you say biscuit is, then I would split them up. Could you not sort out a pen where they can see, smell each other but not harrass each other. I am sure they would be happier than they are now as he sounds frustrated and...
  8. L

    Changing food, on hunger strike!

    Here's my boy sharing hay with his girly but he wont eat any on his own. second pic is just showing off as this is only their second meeting! Rescue ( paws for thought) I got the girl from (white one with lovely brown eyes) is really pleased with how they are getting on and said it was probably...
  9. L

    Changing food, on hunger strike!

    Hi thanks for your reply. With regards to vet check, I had him neutered about 6 weeks ago and he had a good look at him and all is fine, apart from his nails were like talons so I and then the vet trimmed them and he is now on concrete run so they are much better. Food wise, I have been mixing...
  10. L

    Changing food, on hunger strike!

    When people say, cut pellets down to make them eat more hay, what happens when they just refuse to eat! I got my raabit from a friend who no longer wanted him and the guinea pig he was in with. he is now seperated from the piggy, but as he was kept on newspaper and wasn't given hay, he wont eat...
  11. L

    Alfie and Bubbles make the most of the sun

    Lovely pics. that last one of Alfie is adorable! :love:
  12. L

    Changing colour!

    Aw, thanks for that, was worried he was going grey like me! Must admit his new shade suits him, but he is looking a bit tatty.:) Its only his second time outside, poor love was kept in a small indoor cage with a guinea pig. just got him a lovely white female and will be starting the dreaded bond...
  13. L

    Changing colour!

    I rehomed a rabbit about 8 weeks ago and he is now moulting. He was pure black but there is now grey coming through. I have never had a rabbit change colour and wondered if anyone else had. Cheers
  14. L

    Matilda has turned into phyco rabbit over night!!

    Hi. I wouldn't leave it too long as she may stay like this. I've got a rescue bun who was spayed when I got her, but she is 3 and because she was left so long before spaying, she is a right moody mare! She will box my hand away if I go to pick up the food bowl to fill it and grunts and growls...
  15. L

    VHD/Mixi jab at same time?

    Hi. Decided to use my regular vet. I have got all 3 on a health plan the vets do. It is £16 a month for all 3 and covers them for myxi and vhd jabs, 1 consultation, flystrike treatment, panacur, and 2 nail clips a year. They've had myxi and go back next week for vhd.
  16. L

    Wild? bun on the loose - caught him now what?

    Good on you for catching him. Be careful not to put him anywhere near yours until you know he is not carrying any nasties. :)
  17. L

    New bun got in with my bonded pair!

    Hi. This is my set up for new bun. In the background, you can see I've put up panels to keep him seperate from my 2 neutered buns. I had him neutered last tues, went in shed sunday morn and he was sat in their pen! does the fact that they are all unscathed bode well for bonding them or was it...
  18. L

    poll - where did you get your bunny/s and why?

    I got Nala and Magic from NRSA rescue. My previous bun had passed away a couple of years ago, and I was going to stick with piggies. I Looked after a friends daughters rabbit and piggy (in together!) for hols. He was lovely but nails overgrown and kept in a small cage in house. I begged the...
  19. L

    NIC Cubes

    wickes sell them as storage cubes. You get about 14 panels for £14.99.:)
  20. L

    Guinea pig owners please

    Hi. Size wise, the bigger the better. Piggies are not as hardy as rabbits, and at this time of year should be indoors or in a shed or garage (not one used for cars!). I have 3 girls in a heated shed and they are in a 7ft long by 3ft wide pen that has a ramp to a mezzanine level and tubes to...