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When do you break a bond? - STILL NEED SOME HELP PLEASE!

Biscuit's Mum!

Warren Veteran
Badger is still making Biscuit's life a misery.

He runs around her and mounts her and she is ending up constantly grunting and wimpering. She is so unhappy at the moment that she lunges at Andy whenever he goes near her and the last couple of days she has done it to me twice and whimpered when I stroked her :( She comes round, but it is obviously really upsetting her.

I've tried putting lots of toys out to distract him but it doesn't work.

Should I split them up? I don't want to have to do that. I don't think I have the time and attention to devote to two pairs of rabbits. Badger would have to go outside with a bun I suppose. I might be getting ahead of myself.
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I had a bond of 3 which didn't work once. I had 2 females and a male, one of the females was bullying the other, she would case her away from food and I quite often found scabs and bites on her, she became very timid and unhappy and I couldn't bear it so I took her away from the bond and put her with another boy and she is now so happy, it took her a while.

How long have they been behaving like this? Are they both neutered?
If they are not neutered I would suggest getting them both done asap as it could be that he has a lot of hormones causing him to mount.
I broke up Lily and BB about 6 weeks after the first bond,as Lily was going downhill.Ian was going to put her to sleep.
I rethought about it, learnt more on here and at the vets then rebonded.
My situation is different to yours but your girl is really unhappy.Im a wuss.Id separate then rethink...but thats me.
I had a bond of 3 which didn't work once. I had 2 females and a male, one of the females was bullying the other, she would case her away from food and I quite often found scabs and bites on her, she became very timid and unhappy and I couldn't bear it so I took her away from the bond and put her with another boy and she is now so happy, it took her a while.

How long have they been behaving like this? Are they both neutered?
If they are not neutered I would suggest getting them both done asap as it could be that he has a lot of hormones causing him to mount.

They've both been neutered for 18 months or more.

Biscuit was the dominant one initially, but I think because of his energy Badger has sort of taken over. He bothers her more than half of the time that they are out and I shout at him to stop. She is eating, so not awful, but she is clearly unhappy. Yesterday there was some snarling and lunging from her over food.

Like you, I can't bear to see my beautiful girl being hassled all the time when she just wants to sit and rest!
Maybe separate them for a short period of time and try rebonding, gives her a break away from him.

It broke my heart to see my Chloe so sad, it wasn't until I split them that I noticed how bad her injuries were :( she has a perminant hole in her ear where she was bitten.
I know it is difficult and brings other difficulties (such as extra housing etc) but maybe it will be worth it to have a happy bunny, and maybe in a few months either get them both new partners or try rebonding.

Good luck and I know how you feel :)
I think deep down we know if its best or not. I wanted Jack to be with my 2 but it didn't work and i hoped it would one day but truthfully in my heart I knew it wouldn't. Win and angel are insepoerable and its cruel to upset them I think.
Some people say any rabbit will go together I dont feel this is true and I dont think this is fair why should a rabbit tolerate another if they dont want to be with that rabbit. I have always said I think a rabbit should choose their own partner why should we choose for them when its them thats going to live with each other. You can see yourself that your buns scared and very upset and I feel this will do more harm than good. Perhaps split them up and let them live next to each other and see if your bun perks up. Try again in few weeks and go from there.
I should have asked how long was the bonding process? Maybes its just went a little too fast for bun to get her head around, maybes just slow down. Sometimes it can take up to 12months for a bond.
I dont mean to sound down on this as obv they rae getting along sometimes so perhaps its just a case of slowing things down but I do believe you will know best!;)
I wonder if perhaps spring fever is really affecting their bond.

Is there any chance you could pop the pair of them in a carrier and take them for a short (~15mins) car ride together?

I've had to do this for B&G twice, under Sky-O's advise if they get 'scuffley'.

If it continues, i wonder if it might be worth seperating and rebonding :?
hmmmmm. tough one. i can't advise i'm afraid as i tried everything suggested to bond my 2 but sadly, they just don't get on:(

hope things work out for you all xxxx
It's been getting gradually worse over time, it's not a sudden thing. It has been going on for more than 6 months (I think).

They just get on so well sometimes, it's a shame to split them.

They've been on car journeys recently, they were at kennels over Christmas, although I suppose that's a while ago now.

I have tried putting tons of toys out, to try and distract him. To no avail.
Poor you. I had a bonding very much in it's early stages which broke down as they started to fight and both got minor injuries. Some of the time they were so snuggly but I decided to separate them rather than risk further injury. They live as neighbours now, not ideal and I do worry about loneliness but still feel that it was the right decision. I am too scared to risk trying them again and can't afford two more bunnies and even if I could what if that failed too? I only have a tiny garden and there is no more room for singles. Only you will know but I couldn't bear to see such a sad and scared bunny.
It's been getting gradually worse over time, it's not a sudden thing. It has been going on for more than 6 months (I think).

They just get on so well sometimes, it's a shame to split them.

They've been on car journeys recently, they were at kennels over Christmas, although I suppose that's a while ago now.

I have tried putting tons of toys out, to try and distract him. To no avail.

This has happened a couple of times with us . .

Before you split can I suggest a couple of things?

The first is to have them health checked - especially the one that is being bullied. Instinct means that buns will often bully/hump a bun that is feeling ill in any way. We did not realise Blackberry was having fits - we just knew he was being bullied - once we brought him in we realised why. Ditto a couple of others who had chronic illnesses that were NOT at all apparent to us until long after relationships with other buns started to change.

Secondly I suggest that you could try introducing a third bun to see if that settles things (Janice on here has does a couple where that worked). If its doesn't work then at least you have one pair as well as a single.

Will definitely take them to the vet and get Biscuit checked up. A ride in the car might help too (although it is just down the road, I can take a detour!).

I'm afraid a third bun is just not an option, with being pregnant and unemployed, I think it would just be too irresponsible to take on another mouf to feed right now!
Hi. To be honest, if they were my buns and one of them was really unhappy as you say biscuit is, then I would split them up. Could you not sort out a pen where they can see, smell each other but not harrass each other. I am sure they would be happier than they are now as he sounds frustrated and she sounds downright miserable. Sometimes buns just dont get on, no matter how much we want them to! Not to sound as if I'm bragging, but I've just put 2 buns together and not had one single hump, bite, fur pull or anything, they just love each other to bits and are now living together and I only got the girl a week and a half ago from the rescue. I think yours are trying to tell you they dont want to be together. Maybe they will grow to like each other if they are close but not together and you could try them again in a few months.
Will definitely take them to the vet and get Biscuit checked up. A ride in the car might help too (although it is just down the road, I can take a detour!).

I'm afraid a third bun is just not an option, with being pregnant and unemployed, I think it would just be too irresponsible to take on another mouf to feed right now!

Definetely a health check is a good idea. Sounds like they are re-establishing a pecking order, maybe a few car rides would help :)

Theres no wild bunnies around of bunnies living next door perhaps they can smell?
Turns out Biscuit is leaking wee, so may have some sort of infection or problem at the moment. I imagine she will fight back when she is feeling better and the pecking order will be back to how it was (i.e. her on top :roll:).

Hopefully that will sort the problem, otherwise I am going to get in touch with Bobtails, where we got Badger, and see if they can help with rebonding.

Thanks guys :)