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Search results

  1. R

    Are these trees/shrubs safe?

    We lost a big rose bush during the very high winds recently and would like to replace it with something, we went to the garden canter yesterday and found some trees/shrubs we like but after endless searching I can't find if they are bunny safe, I'm going by the names on the tags so maybe I'm...
  2. R

    Friends bunny gone for bonding at Windwhistle

    My friend took her bunny Ted to Windwhistle warren yesterday for bonding, fingers crossed and sending loads of vibes to Alice, Ted & all at the warren. Ted was 'offered' to me by a work colleague, with the usual 'if you don't take him I'm letting him go in the fields' obviously I would not let...
  3. R

    Ingrown front paw nail

    Just done a routine nail clip on the buns and noticed that Lotty has an almost ingrown front nail or its growing on a very funny angle, has anyone seen anything like this? :( Do we just need to keep clipping it, she only gets small amounts clipped as we can't see where the quick is.
  4. R

    Care after neutering

    I'm after some advice for a friend, she has recently taken on a male bunny who was not in brilliant shape, usual story he was purchased for children who no longer wanted him. Last wednesday he was neutered and that night he didn't eat anything/didn't move etc, she took him back to the emergency...
  5. R

    Megazorb smell

    For the last week I have been using megazorb from a new bag, each night when I come in I can smell it, horrible foul cow dung type of smell, I have just redone the buns tray & it stinks. It must be this new bag, white plastic instead of the hessian type stuff, as I have never had it smell...
  6. R

    Beyond Cute!

    I don't post very often but just had to add these, he's so cute, love him... :love: and so Lotty isn't left out:
  7. R

    Fox Proofing

    I have been searching and looking for advice as for the first time in 20 or so years we had a fox in our garden last night, it was big and looked very healthy. We have 2 house buns but they have a little door, which is opened when we are home, so they can free range in the garden. It was cold...
  8. R

    Bunny centre, pic heavy.. sorry.. I'm very impressed!

    We took on a 3 legged bunny a year ago and had to make some adaptions to the things we already owned, a few weeks a go I asked my OH to make a special centre for her, my original pic is shown and then what he made. He's a very clever man. No toys as yet as I didn't know he was bringing it home...
  9. R

    Nobivac & what to do?

    I currently have 2 bunnies, Simba who had the myxi & VHD seperate jabs last September and Lotty, who we got in November, she was vaccinated just before we got her so would I be able to give them both the new combined vaccine? I think it's called Nobivac? it's not yet a year since either of them...
  10. R

    Lottie & Simba, Easter treat

    They got a little treat over Easter, this was taken away after 2 mins and it's lasted a few weeks so far. and my Favourite picture - licking his lips!! :love:
  11. R

    Baby Bunny at Butlins

    A recent weekend trip in Butlins, this little guy kept popping out to say hello, we did also see mum & she looked very healthy :D, both were pretty tame & appeared to be living in the plants between the car park & chalets. :love:
  12. R

    Lottie look-a-like

    For my birthday my oh (amazing OH) got me this, a little Lottie look-a-like.. how cute & how amazing is he! :D
  13. R

    Panacur - How often and for how long?

    I hope this does not sound like a stupid question :oops: but I'm getting myself confused with how often & how long a course of Panacur the buns should have. The vets sent me a reminder yesterday that Simba is due a course (the card says he should be on Milbemax but I'm guessing their computer...
  14. R

    Apple twigs

    I mentioned to a friend the other day that I was giving the buns apple sticks/twigs and she said she has an apple tree in her garden and the next time she comes round she will bring some bits with her :D Does anybody know if all Apple trees are ok? Should I very kindly decline if they are a...
  15. R

    Apple wood twigs

    I recieved an order of hay & bits this morning and looking at the apple wood twigs I'm not sure if they are ok? Maybe I'm being overly worried but do these look ok & would you give them to your buns, I'm not sure if it's a natural material or some sort of fungus.. the photo below shows some old...
  16. R

    Simba & Lotty - cuteness

    My wonderful beautiful babies! :love: I will sit on your head! Simba looks mssive but this is the way I was holding the camera!
  17. R

    Simba & Lotty Bonded & just cause I want to share...

    Simba & Lotty have now been bonded for just over 2 weeks, I am happy to say that they are loved up :love:
  18. R

    Tripod bun & angle of ramp?

    We have adopted Lotty from Windwistle warren after loosing Lavender, the bond has been amazing & Lotty & Simba are very much loved up, :love: she's the boss but he appears happy with that! We have a 3 story nic cube set up, which has been removed to the garage whilst the bonding pen etc was up...
  19. R

    Simba has a new girlfriend

    After loosing our precious girl Lavender a few weeks ago we have had a boy on trial, called Gizmo, it was always going to be a test, both boys were very docile & silly so it was worth the shot, well it didn't work & the 2 boys did nothing but fight, luckily no damage & we have put all of this...
  20. R

    Wanted - female lop

    Im not sure if this is the correct place but rabbits in need didn't seem right. Some people may not agree with this but... We lost our wonderful Girl lavender on Tuesday, we are left with an amazing gentle, loving boy Simba, you can tell he deeply miss's her & I want to find him a mate, he...