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Simba has a new girlfriend


Warren Scout
After loosing our precious girl Lavender a few weeks ago we have had a boy on trial, called Gizmo, it was always going to be a test, both boys were very docile & silly so it was worth the shot, well it didn't work & the 2 boys did nothing but fight, luckily no damage & we have put all of this down to experience!

Well on Friday we took Gizmo back & picked up Lotty, a little black tripod girl, she's lovely & things are most definitely looking up, we are only on the second day of bonding but fingers crossed. It's going to be a slow process (they have had a minor fight) but we are so happy & have all the time in the world to make this work, the sofa is getting comfier each night.. Ha ha
She's also friendly to us after such a short time.

Many thanks to Alice at windwhistle warren for letting us attempt a bond with Gizmo & now for letting us have the beautiful wonderful Lotty. :love: They do an amazing job! :thumb:
So lovely to hear a positive bonding experience. I hope both buns will be happily in love :love:

Lookinf forward to seeing photo's of the happy couple! :D
photos added

For just over a week I have been bonding Simba & Lotty, everything is going very well, they are still in the "Pen" but it's up it's maximum size now of 8 foot by 8 foot, at the end of the week if everything is still ok then we are taking the pen down & they will have full run of the front room & maybe the garden. We need to sort out the garden ready for Lotty (Ramps etc) but fingers crossed they can free range very shortly. :D

Some pics:



