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Recent content by AndyRachel&Jack

  1. A

    Advice Needed - Two rabbits died in 48 hours

    Sorry to hear about this. Roughly where are you in S.Yorks, We're in Doncaster? It looks like too much to be a coincidence, although it is possible I suppose. I would have a good look around in case someone has thrown something into the garden (small pellets etc.). This new strain of VHD...
  2. A

    Best way to pick up rabbit

    I've noticed with Poppy, if I can get my hand on her back lightly, she presses down on the ground and can be picked up quite easily, maybe that's a bit of a submission type of body language, like OK I give up, you've won! Of course, getting a hand on her back is another thing altogether...
  3. A

    Please help

    Hope she does OK, some lovely photos of her there.
  4. A

    Babesiosis and Ticks

    Having heard about this new disease they are warning dog owners about and how it may be spread (by ticks) by other mammals, I wondered what the implications are for rabbits. After a quick google search it appears that cottontails in America can carry it and I was wondering if we need to know...
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    Bramley's had a bit of a tummy upset

    Just realised that I hadn't updated what happened with Bramley as I've not been on here for a while. Good news, he made a rapid return to normal and we put it down to one of those unexplained upsets. Since then we've changed food (carefully) to a higher fibre food (not that the other was low)...
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    Bramley's had a bit of a tummy upset

    Re number of factors coming together: That's possible, they don't get out every day, although we try to let them out whenever we can. Around here, predators are a real risk, foxes and stoats mainly. Their run is reasonably large and rabbit proof but not covered over. I have been...
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    Bramley's had a bit of a tummy upset

    I did wonder if the damp windy weather could have upset him. They are outside but their wooden hutches are inside a kind of small open fronted brick building with a slate roof, against a 6 foot garden wall which protects them, they face away from the prevailing wind. I built it to keep...
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    Bramley's had a bit of a tummy upset

    When I went to check on Bramley and Poppy this morning and let them both out for a run, I could tell straight away Bramley wasn't happy. Usually he's pushing the door open and jumping out to play with Poppy. Today he just sat there with his front legs tucked under him, looked a bit hunched...
  9. A

    Poor honey has a bad ear infection

    So sorry to read this :(, they're all special and we never forget them.
  10. A

    Poor honey has a bad ear infection

    All the best, I hope she improves, she's certainly getting all the help and love she can.
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    Poor honey has a bad ear infection

    Hi, I've not been on the forum for a couple of weeks and have just caught up with your thread, I'm so sorry to hear how things have gone :( When we started to try to feed Mouse her medication and oxbow critical care it was hopeless once the steroids had worn off, we had the dribbling out...
  12. A

    Poor honey has a bad ear infection

    Good luck for Thursday, I was reading through this thread a few days ago and wondering how things were going.
  13. A

    Safety warning about an enclosure - please read

    It's also a warning to anyone making their own runs out of materials they buy or find lying about. That poor rabbit must have jumped up higher where the wires would bend apart more easily and then slid down to where it's hard to pull them apart. They need to be threatened with legal action if...
  14. A

    Thymomas- Re Surgery/Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy

    Yes, this is Peter, we lost him in March 2014 due to a Thymoma. We did go for surgery which was unfortunately unsuccessful. I won't go into details here but I can message you if you like.
  15. A

    Side effects of Ranitidine and Baytril

    Hi I did put some in the Stories and Photos section, I'll have to put some up in the Rainbow Bridge section. I'm still so upset, I hope we did the right thing. It was such a traumatic night, without any real sleep for me. Rachel was upset too and Jack, especially later when it sank in. I...