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Inspector Morse-U/D 15th Oct- After a Check-Up With C :-)

Morsey is really back to being....well Morsey today :)
I am so relieved that we have gotten his ear pain under control.

I have just sat watching him having his afternoon groom. You can set your watch by when he tidies himself up, he hadn't been doing it when he was in lots of pain though :cry: So it's good to see him taking pride in his appearance again :)

How can you look at Morse and not feel :D :love: :D :love:





Yaaaaaaaay! Go morsey!!
He looks fab jane well done :love:
out of curiosity how old is Morse? Oh just asked and i have no idea xxx
I really want to rub his nose! (Sorry, bit random, but those photos made me think that!!):rabbit2:

Glad he's feeling better.

Fingers crossed for your other buns.

I'm glad Morse is OK! This time around, I would have him have the surgery if he's strong enough. What did your vet say?

I dont think I have ever seen him look so regal! :shock::love::love::love:
He looks positively STUNNING there! I have just fallen in love with him even more than I do! :love: Would you mind me using this picture to do a drawing Jane? I love it so much.
I dont think I have ever seen him look so regal! :shock::love::love::love:
He looks positively STUNNING there! I have just fallen in love with him even more than I do! :love: Would you mind me using this picture to do a drawing Jane? I love it so much.

Of course I dont mind :wave:
He looks great! But I understand he's been fighting this ear infection for a long time, so is there any stronger measure you can take to prevent him from getting ill again? I'm not a vet so I don't really know :(, but I would do whatever I can to make him be OK, he's so precious.
He looks great! But I understand he's been fighting this ear infection for a long time, so is there any stronger measure you can take to prevent him from getting ill again? I'm not a vet so I don't really know :(, but I would do whatever I can to make him be OK, he's so precious.

Are you implying that I am not then :?

TBH I find your post hurtful, I am following the advice of my Rabbit Savvy Vet who has said that surgery is not an option for Morse.

To think that anyone considers that I am not doing everything possible for Morse really has upset me.
Are you implying that I am not then :?

TBH I find your post hurtful, I am following the advice of my Rabbit Savvy Vet who has said that surgery is not an option for Morse.

To think that anyone considers that I am not doing everything possible for Morse really has upset me.

Jane, EVERYONE knows you would only do whats best for your buns :)
You know your bun better than anyone else, so dont let anyone say that your not doing everything :shock: Anyone impying that would be bonkers ...

Morse is such a handsome boy :love::love::love:
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