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looking for wifey bun :( Feeeling like giving up

im in southport

The run if it had been built as I aksed would have been fine :(

Its excellent quality though

I like the idea of them being out when its nice - think theyre missing out.
I get no reply from emails
it was even delivered to wrong address
paypal refused to help
I had to pay extra to re deliver

Dawson quoted £250 for a 6ft hutch and 6ft run
250 for a big hutch and run is a bargain! Of course, these things are only bargains if you have the money - I couldn't find 250 that easily.

If you do get rid of the TH a short-term fosterer might have need of it.

I wouldn't say they're 'no good', I just think you get what you pay for - and the more you pay, the more likely it is that you'll get something better quality and longer lasting.

If you're looking to have rabbits that are primarily housebuns but who spend some time outdoors in the summer, then a HH would be fine for occasional use I'd have thought. I'd be less likely to recommend it if it was going to be permanent accommodation as I think there are better quality hutches out there - but with the price tag to match. It really all depends on what you are after and for what purpose.
so are happyhutch no good?

They are cheaper because they arent as ro-bust, mine suits me because its never been outside, ive had it in a shed and now a stable, but it is abit of a pain to clean out, cant say i would buy one again but if thats what you can afford for now then its fine.

I hope you left that company bad feedback? Id keep pestering them if i were you!!
Oh right. I asked for a double 6*2*2 and wasnt quoted anything like that :?
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are they much better than the thistle

my problem is now I have a hutch and a run

I never get a reply - couldnt leave feedback as I bought usuing work acount - and he he coild reciprocate


Alternatively - Anyone know anyone good who canmake a proper thistle hall run?
I'd go for the Dawsons. Maybe sell your existing hutch and run? Use the money from that for the new one? :D
Alternatively - Anyone know anyone good who canmake a proper thistle hall run?

Again - I think you're using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. You don't need a new run to go with your thistle hall, you already have a run, you just need to attach it properly so a fox can't pull it away and the gaps are plugged. It's really neither expensive, nor rocket science.
if I sold the run id be lucky to get £30 back despite paing £80
Thustke hull usually goes for £40 uised -

thats £70 when I paid £200 at least only in december :(:(:(
if I sold the run id be lucky to get £30 back despite paing £80
Thustke hull usually goes for £40 uised -

thats £70 when I paid £200 at least only in december :(:(:(

In that case do the neccessary changes, make the run secure and sorted. Choose a rescue. Stick with them, meet there requirements, simple.
But Could you recommend anyone who could make a run for thitsle hall

Im guessing no-one as PAH dont do them anymore? The fennel fold but its not big enough. You'd have to do what you have done measure up and get somebody to make it.

Why not just make it secure? Has your chosen rescue approved the run once secure?
You already have a run for a Thistle Hall. I'm starting to feel like I'm wasting my breath trying to help you now :?