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Would just like to say

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Since you're being so rude, I'll tell you what I actually think. You need to stop being so melodramatic. Someone asked you for a hutch, you said no. Hardly a stop the press moment.

Do you know the whole story?
No, didn't think so.
Since you're being so rude, I'll tell you what I actually think. You need to stop being so melodramatic. Someone asked you for a hutch, you said no. Hardly a stop the press moment.

If you knew the whole story, you would be on my side.
Since you're being so rude, I'll tell you what I actually think. You need to stop being so melodramatic. Someone asked you for a hutch, you said no. Hardly a stop the press moment.

I think your the one being rude. I can totally understand her anger at the PM. Shes done no harm and hasnt mentioned names or who sent the PM. If youve got nothing constructive to say on the thread, i suggest you dont post. Why should people be loaned hutchs, when theres people like starlight, and myself and many other forum members, who go out and spend £100's on accomodation for our rabbits, why should ANYONE get a free ride! :shock: if you cant afford a hutch, then you most certaintly wont be able to afford to keep a doe and her litter!
I can kinda see both sides, yes it was very cheeky that this person asked to use a hutch and irresponsible of them to think of even taking the bun but at the same time all you had to say was "no way" :oops:
I can kinda see both sides, yes it was very cheeky that this person asked to use a hutch and irresponsible of them to think of even taking the bun but at the same time all you had to say was "no way" :oops:

If you knew the full story, you would know why i am so angry
i was bought up with the understanding if you dont ask you dont get :p

nope i didnt send the pm either....

but i think Timboh is right.... why not deal with it in pm whether youve named or shamed or not theres still someone who knows your deliberately being an ass which is pretty much bullying something that most on this froum are so dead against :roll:
I guess its just hard for people to understand when we don't know, and its ok for us to not know, and I understand there is obviously a LOT more to the story, but I think that's why people are saying things that don't make sense if you know the story (if anyone followed that, that's a miracle). Tis hard to be on the 'outside' sometimes, lol.

I think you should have bought a brand spanking new hutch, and then sold it to said person for more than you brought it. :D
Where's that popcorn emoticon when you need it?

Dunno but how about this one..

No, that's emoticon is Mr Mod, doh :wave:


I must admit it's a bit of a cheek to ask to be honest :? but than I don't know any of the story.
I'm pretty sure, having compared notes with Kris, that this is the same woman who pmed me right out of the blue asking if I could drive her to collect her new rabbit and hutch as she didn't have transport. The tone of her pm was really odd - like she was 100% sure I'd fit round her plans even though I was a total stranger and it would mean me driving through outskirts of London in rush hour. I got the feeling she'd visited RU, seen how much folk on here help each other out, then demanded that help as a right - without establishing herself as a good bunny owner/developing any kind of relationships within the forum first or even using basic good manners.. :(
I'm pretty sure, having compared notes with Kris, that this is the same woman who pmed me right out of the blue asking if I could drive her to collect her new rabbit and hutch as she didn't have transport. The tone of her pm was really odd - like she was 100% sure I'd fit round her plans even though I was a total stranger and it would mean me driving through outskirts of London in rush hour. I got the feeling she'd visited RU, seen how much folk on here help each other out, then demanded that help as a right - without establishing herself as a good bunny owner/developing any kind of relationships within the forum first or even using basic good manners.. :(

Oh dear.
She went the wrong way about it then.
I'm pretty sure, having compared notes with Kris, that this is the same woman who pmed me right out of the blue asking if I could drive her to collect her new rabbit and hutch as she didn't have transport. The tone of her pm was really odd - like she was 100% sure I'd fit round her plans even though I was a total stranger and it would mean me driving through outskirts of London in rush hour. I got the feeling she'd visited RU, seen how much folk on here help each other out, then demanded that help as a right - without establishing herself as a good bunny owner/developing any kind of relationships within the forum first or even using basic good manners.. :(

Confused you with Santa no doubt, having seen your avatar :shock: ... sleighs come in very useful at rush hour ;) :lol::lol:
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