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Litter of 8 arrived **Myxi update** ~survivors~

How are they doing kareen?

They are doing well actually, they are still ill and look hellish but I think there is slight improvement, they are sitting up more and still eating well. I am still using all the treatments I had been and they see the vet every other day and are getting vit B12 injections and are still on antibiotics. I am guessing that within a week I will know if they are going to survive. We are on day 15 of when the first one showed symptoms.

I have more hope as each day passes! :)

Thanks for asking x
So glad they are improving, keeping fingers crossed and stil sending lots of vibes. I am praying these little ones pull through as they have been through so much and deserve a lovely life. Your doing a fab job :thumb: xx
I am Far from knowing if these baby buns are going to make it, but tonight they have been washing themselves and eating their own poo, I have not seen them do this for two weeks. :)
Aww im glad they are still looking up and its good they are doing different things now! hope they are still ok and keep us updated xx
You're showing amazing strength hunnybun, keep up your amazing work. As hard as things get sometimes, and this must be both mentally and physically straining, you need to do whats best... and you definately are. I hope the others pull through ok.

My thoughts are with you.

sounding promising Kareen:D your doing a great job:D

Out of interest, I posted this topic the other day, it is long winded but hopefully I was trying to get my thoughts across about whether vitamin e oil and honey would help with the healing process, no-one has replied though:lol: :lol: but wondered if you could ask your vet next time you are in;) As being as we have all heard how good manuka honey is for abcsess's, I am truely wondering if manuka honey would help and myxi buns healing process along with assisting with any possible scarring left from the scabs :?


I also forgot I had this site on my favourites but it interesting what the write up on the echancia is at the bottom;) 'lower dose acts as an immune system stimulent and a higher dose acts as an antibiotic;) :D

I feel tired just reading this thread I can't imagine how you are feeling! My thoughts and prayers are with you and the bunsters. I really hope they all pull through.x
Well done you!, gosh I have followed this and I think you have done a brilliant job, keep going.............and good luck!!
sounding promising Kareen:D your doing a great job:D

Out of interest, I posted this topic the other day, it is long winded but hopefully I was trying to get my thoughts across about whether vitamin e oil and honey would help with the healing process, no-one has replied though:lol: :lol: but wondered if you could ask your vet next time you are in;) As being as we have all heard how good manuka honey is for abcsess's, I am truely wondering if manuka honey would help and myxi buns healing process along with assisting with any possible scarring left from the scabs :?


I also forgot I had this site on my favourites but it interesting what the write up on the echancia is at the bottom;) 'lower dose acts as an immune system stimulent and a higher dose acts as an antibiotic;) :D


Thanks fro that, will ask my vet about it :D
All rabbits still eating and drinking, I am still doing the same as I have been for them over two + weeks, they seem to enjoy the steam inhalation twice a day :D Sadly I am still not sure if they are going to survive! but I can hope and am trying as hard as I can, while trying to make them as comfortable as I can. They seem to enjoy being held, one of them still can't see as her eyes are so bad, but she is responsive to my voice and touch.

Sometimes I feel cruel, keeping them going! but if they are going to die they will do so regardless of what I do! :cry: If they were in pain they would not eat.
They have been doing lots of grooming today and have been munching hay, redigrass and timothy hay too,as well as greens:)
That's good to know - while they are enjoying their food they are getting something from life :) I don't believe the nodules etc hurt them for some reason - they look painful but they're not. Like you say if they were in pain they wouldn't eat. Hope you are OK - it must be heartbreaking worrying over them so much :(
I'm very happy to hear that they are eating and seem to be feeling better!:D I will continue to keep my fingers firmly crossed for them to pull through!:D
I had to let two of the buns go this morning, they deteriorated through the night and were just too tired to go on, I felt to start syringe feeding and giving fluids was not the right way to go for them. They went peacefully cuddled into each other. :( with me holding them.
I feel awful and that I have let them down, but they knew me well and enjoyed being cuddled and stoked,they knew comfort and love.
I don't feel they were in pain, but their immune system was just not working as well as the other two. They had no nodules! where as the other two have lots of nodules, my vet says that this is a sign that their immune system is fighting the virus.

I obviously feel very sad but it was the right thing to do :(
I`m so sorry you`ve had to say goodbye to 2 of them Kareen:cry: :cry:

But i think you`re doing an amazing job, caring for them so well & really are giving them every chance.

Sending loads of vibes that the others pull through.

thinking of you at such a hard time,