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How soon can I get my rabbit a friend?


Young Bun
My rabbit was spayed on Monday and since then, she’s been indoors in a dog crate. I was thinking of putting her back outside today (unless it’s too soon?) but I’m worried that she’ll be really lonely. She’s been a single bunny all her life (I haven’t had her very long) but she seems so happy indoors, I think she loves having company, which is understandable.

How soon can I get her a friend? She has to go back to the vet’s on Thursday for a post-op check up and to have her stitches removed if they haven’t dissolved. If she’s ok physically, does she still need time for her hormones to settle down, or can I get her a friend straight away?
Only you know your rabbit and if circumstances will allow her to stay inside. My rabbit hated being inside so I put her out as soon as possible after her spay. My vet recommended waiting 8 weeks for her hormones to settle down but after a fortnight I went by the rescue's advice and felt she had healed and was happy so took her along to a rescue and bonded her with MJ and they have been very happy together ever since. Good luck with finding your bunny a friend whether inside or outside:)
My bun was started bonding process 14 days after spay. She was fine with it and came home with new husbun last Sunday :D