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Can rabbits have worms?

BB Mommy

Warren Veteran
I've just found a soft bunny poo in the garden that has several white worm like things on it (about 1cm long).
Could these have come from one of my buns, or is it more likely that a fly has laid eggs that have hatched?
I clean out litter trays every day, and I've just cleaned out the three trays the giants use (2 inside and 1 out) and only found 2 more poos with similar out of possibly 200 poo's.
Anyone got any idea???? Thanks
Gr8, thanks....it looks like it's pin or round worms....someone suggested giving the buns thyme as it expels the worms naturally...anyone else tried this or knows if it works before I go hareing off to the vet?!
Check your bun doesn't have flystrike :shock: They might be maggots falling from wounds in it back end. If it is, ur buns needs to see a vet asap.
A syringe has 18 graduations and its one graduation per 2.5 kg so if each bunny is this or less one syringe will do both for 9 days. :D
oh :censored: .
Because I thought 1 pack would do a 2.5kg bun I ordered 2 packs each for my giants and 1 each for my other two buns.....probably got too much, but it'll come in useful again in 6 months!
I bought them a thyme plant to nibble on whilst were waiting for the wormer to arrive, but the rabbit that I suspect has the worms wouldn't eat any....typical!!!

Thanks for the advice!