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Too warm?


Warren Scout
:wave: I recently got a fly screen, it is actually for a house window but I figured it would do for the bunny hutch. When i was putting it up, it dawned on me - Will it still give him enough air/circulation? I worried that he may get too warm with it covering the wired front.

Also now the summers are getting warmer is there something I can do to make it a bit cooler for him? I have put a parasol over his hutch and was thinking about getting a fan for him but not sure? Any suggestions on both.


When I purchased Jamie from Petsathome I saw that they used a bottle of water - frozen - and placed it in the hutch for the rabbits to lay on and cool down... I've tried this with my babies and they love it.

Some one on ebay is also selling a fan for a hutch at the moment - which requires batteries, so no leads.
