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Pics of the rescue


Mama Doe
Here are two of the RSPCA piggies enjoying some grass:

This is where some of the lads have been living until the enclosures can be built:

And here is the area where the enclosures will be once I have the time and money to get it made secure:
Aww, Lovely set up. But dont let Jane see, She'll kick you out and be moved in by tomorrow, Buns and all!! :lol: xx
doorkeeper said:
Here are two of the RSPCA piggies enjoying some grass:

This is where some of the lads have been living until the enclosures can be built:

And here is the area where the enclosures will be once I have the time and money to get it made secure:
Where did you get the run from in the first pic?
your garden looks great :)
beckiboo186 said:
Aww, Lovely set up. But dont let Jane see, She'll kick you out and be moved in by tomorrow, Buns and all!! :lol: xx


yes that is a great little haven for furries - and for people too! :D
beckiboo186 said:
Aww, Lovely set up. But dont let Jane see, She'll kick you out and be moved in by tomorrow, Buns and all!! :lol: xx

Too late I've clocked this :lol: :lol:
Righto Louise so when can me and the 32 Bunsters+2 piggies move in :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:
Seriously though I am so jealous. I look out of my window and all I see is concrete and cars :x
I am gonna have a good think about how I might be able to get out of here.
Your place is FANTASTIC :D :D

That isn't my garden it's my Mum's. She is letting me base the rescue there as I have no room left. Or grass :roll:
I should have taken pics of the garage area, thats the main thing really. It was built for two coal lorries, so lots of furries fit in there :D It is having new doors fitted tomorrow so no more drafts :D It'll be great when its done and the rest of the junk is gone. A space that big holds lots of junk :(

The run is from ebay:

The other run came from him too.

They are a bit flimsy, but they do the job and were easy to put together. I couldn't bear all that grass going uneaten :lol: I had to put the combos on pavement in case of digging :roll: