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I need a new system...

Hi everyone!

Okay. I have run into a dilemma recently and the problem is getting worse. I built a cage out of storage grids, which is divided into a top cage and a bottom cage. My three nethies (Ashlee, Aspen, and Willie) are bonded and share the bottom cage. Holly is a single bun that has the bottom cage to herself. Letting the rabbits out has gotten to be very difficult because HOlly and the nethies fight through the bars. That means i have to put the nethies in a pet carrier. How ever they do not like this idea. They get very stressed out. Any ideas?
I have 2 bonded pairs and they will try and fight through the run bars if one pair is loose in the garden and the others are in their run. I have just put up a secondary barrier so they can't actually get close enough to each other to fight, and they soon get bored and go wandering off to study something else :lol:
I had the same issue. Just go to the hardware store and get some pieces of plywood. Places like Home Depot might be able to cut them for you if they're too tall. Then prop them up against the cage with something they can't knock over. I use cheap bar stools that my hubby found at a garage sale.

There's something about bars that makes rabbits on either side fight. My pairs live side by side, but there's a good 3 inches+ between their walls so they can't reach each other.
Thanks for your replies!
Only problem is the cages are in my bedroom. I will try and make some barriers of some sort! And i know what you mean about bars and fighting! :lol:
I use nursery fireguards around my hutches to stop the rabbits biting each other - works great, and with the 4 girls, who fight if they even see Tia, I slip a piece of plywood down in between the 2 sets of bars so they can't see her.

I have the same problem. Clover hates it when any other buns are out in front of her and takes it out on her cage mated Dylan. As we had no choice but to let Fudge out in front of her we found putting towel in front of the cage calmed her down.

Best use towels youdon't want as they do get dirty and chewed!