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Will Bella ever binky?

I've only had her a couple of months but I don't think I've ever seen Bella binky.
I'm fairly certain she's happy here and she and Marlon are all nicely bonded. Do some rabbits just not binky?
I'm not sure Marlon has been binkying quite as much as he used to either but he may just be doing it when I'm not around. I suppose the same could be said about Bella though.
I just want to know that they're both as happy as they can be.
As rabbits are more active in the evenings they are probably binkying like mad all night while you are sleeping! :lol:
The binky frequency seems to depend on the bunny. When Dolce was here he didn't seem to be able to move more than 6' without adding a little hop n' kick. My two do it now and then but not nearly so much.

Bunny's tend to get a little calmer with age too.

My ruby binkies all the time! She was in rescue for over two years though, so she's probably just celebrating the space she's got now!
Bobby very rarely binkies. He's a very laid back sort of bunny and doesn't like to expend the energy I think! He definitely has done, but not with the same gusto or as frequently as Ruby!
Well Marlon's been binkying this morning so no need to worry about him.
I had wondered whether Bella's age (she's three and a half) had anything to do with it, Marlon isn't even one yet so that might explain the difference between the two of them.
I also wondered about her body shape, she's such a dumpy little thing.
She my little pudding. :lol: