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Mxyi vaccination


I took Jacob along and had to persuade the vet firmly that although Jacob never goes outside as gete too scare, the fact I have a cat that does is risk enough. I hadn't continued with this before due to their advice and feel alot better that I found this forum.
Jacob will ahe the VHD or whatever it's called, I foger sorry, in 2 weeks.

The question I have is that the vet only put the vaccine in Jacobs neck. There was none in the ear. is Jacob still protected properly. Sorry to be so useless but I am trying to learn and though my vets are lovely they don't appear to know an awful lot about rabbits. I felt almost as though i was educating him with knowledge gained from this forum.

I want to do my best by Jacob, please can you tell me ifhe is covered properly and do I need to know anythinh about the administration of further vaccines? Many, many thanks.
both my bunnies were vaccinated in the scruff of their necks. a very quick jab into the skin and then a bit deeper into the scruff. it looked like just one jab, but I was assured that my vet had injected some of the vacine into the skin first, but she did it so fast that I didn't notice!
I asked this question a while back and apparently as long as they did part of it in the skin and then the rest deeper it should be fine - but they do need the skin part

Quinn had part in his ear but jane said that can cause infections or something like that and they can turn nasty which is why some dont do it - maybe you could ring the vet and just generally enquire as to how they do it? what worried me is what if they forget its myxi and they just do it in the neck thinking its a regular vaccine
He definately went shallow and then deeper, but just only the neck. Just worried as I am so learniing still. Thanks, I have always had buns but feel like a amateur since I came on here.
I believe thats ok then - i was reading about it last night and as long as they remember to do the skin part thats the important bit apparently as thats where the infection usually comes from ie a mosquito bites the skin
so its important that the immunity is in the skin as well

someone correct me if im wrong
I honestly have no idea why some has to go into the skin, but I know that the rabbit is much better protected if it does. I would think that doing this in the scruff would be the best idea as the skin in the scruff is loose skin that can be lifted and an infection in this area is not as threatening to the tissues underneath.
It has to go into the skin to stimulate an immune response in the skin - as myxi is transmitted by biting insects, the skin is the first line of defence and so your bunny is only properly protected if this has been done. Injecting part of the vaccine shallowly into the scruff is perfectly acceptable and many vets do this instead of into the base of the ear, as I should imagine having a needle stuck in that part of your body is a bit painful!
The thing is that immunity is provided by the white blood cells and other components of the blood which circulates around the whole body, so I can't see why injection in the skin would make a difference! Meh. I guess I'll learn that at some point later on in my degree...
I just consulted FHB's book and she says that the skin bit is necessary because of the presence of Langerhans cells within the dermis, which act as antigen presenting cells and increase the activation of T-helper cells. Also it protects the antigen by minimising diffusion into the surrounding tissues, and the good dermis lymph system means that exposure of immune cells to the antigen is maximised. Clear as mud :shock:
AlisonA said:
I just consulted FHB's book and she says that the skin bit is necessary because of the presence of Langerhans cells within the dermis, which act as antigen presenting cells and increase the activation of T-helper cells. Also it protects the antigen by minimising diffusion into the surrounding tissues, and the good dermis lymph system means that exposure of immune cells to the antigen is maximised. Clear as mud :shock:

Ah, that's it..it was on the tip of my tongue..thanks!!!
tomjacob said:
AlisonA said:
I just consulted FHB's book and she says that the skin bit is necessary because of the presence of Langerhans cells within the dermis, which act as antigen presenting cells and increase the activation of T-helper cells. Also it protects the antigen by minimising diffusion into the surrounding tissues, and the good dermis lymph system means that exposure of immune cells to the antigen is maximised. Clear as mud :shock:

Ah, that's it..it was on the tip of my tongue..thanks!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
tomjacob said:
I took Jacob along and had to persuade the vet firmly that although Jacob never goes outside as gete too scare, the fact I have a cat that does is risk enough.

Surely any vet should not need persuading to give a myxi jab?

My bunnies had their myxi jabs last night, my vet was telling me that all rabbits are at risk whether they are indoor or outdoor as the infection can be carried in the straw and hay they eat.
He checked Jacobs lifestyle and said that it wasn't necessary as he didn't go out ever. i said that as I had a cat and carried by fleas and Tom goes out there is a risk and risk is risk, small or large. i said i went on a rabbit forum and had read up. he still seemed reluctant as did a trainee vet. I had to ask about VHD as not offered. He did it, and not moaning about the vets, they are good, but i had had Jacob vaccinated a couple of years ago and they said not necessary to do it so i thought they meant I was over medicating. When I asked the vet if i should come back in 6 months he said that a year would do as so low risk and where i live low risk.

I am a bit confused what to do as had been told better to do 6 monthly. they are kind vets and good with my cat but i do think not alot of bunny know how although they do have all the Rabbit welfare leaflets in the waiting room.

If I hadn't been on here i would never have known so thankyou, but it's hard when the vets seem to give different advice to be strong when just an ordinary person and they've been vets for years! i did though!
Well Done!! You did the right thing for Jacob. You could ask on here in about 6 months time what the Myxo status is like in your area, people nearer to you than I am will have some idea.With 'low risk areas' yearly vaccination is advised; high risk areas every 6 months. At least you know that you have done really well by Jacob as I do know how 'tricky' it can be to be assertive when consulting a Vet, even if you get on well with them!! Jane and Buns xx