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Cage rest after neuturing


Young Bun
Me again,
Just curious how long you all kept your buns on cage rest after neuturing.
My rabbits are never locked in their cages and I hate doing so, but yesterday they were both neutured and I was prepared for a few days of cage rest, bought new cage toys and treats and such.
Today they were back at the vet for the post op check healing well although fudge has pulled one of his stich out, luckily the wound has already closed so she wasn't concerned.
She has made us another appointment for a check up on Thursday and wants them on cage rest until then?
Which will make it 7 days of cage rest. Seems a bit long for me as they're both itching to get out.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Being honest I would take each day as it comes, only you will see how your bunnies are doing and can closely monitor them. With boys they tend to bounce back so quickly. Both my bunnies were only shut in for the first 24 hours and then back out to free range but I did keep a close eye on to make sure they didn't jump up and do any damage. I found them much more relaxed being out as they just rested. But honestly, see what your gut thinks. 7 days is a very long time I feel, but maybe see what others say.

Sending vibes that they recover quickly though Xx
Thank you. They have bounced back very quickly, eating g drinking, coming up to the cage when I'm near for a stroke (or food haha) but they both dislike cages and have both made a point of throwing everything around.
Think I will just see how they go, I think they would be fine jumping from the cage to the floor if that's all the jumping they would be doing

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Well like you, my bunnies aren't caged either and instead out pretty much free range. I'm such a sucker and just one guilty look from them and I just give in. I was scared about bailey as when he was in his cage, he kept grooming and I was concerned as he was bored he would be more inclined to play with his scar, but as soon as he was let out he was absolulty fine, and was his normal self. I must warn you though, once Bailey bounced back by the second day, he was still grunting and even humped his teddy afterwards. It was a good 3 weeks after by the time he'd calm down much more! :) xx
Aww one of mine is a bailey too! I will leave them in tonight and tomorrow, Monday I'm back in work after 8 weeks off :(! So once how at 3 on Monday I will set the pens back up and see how they do for a couple of hours x

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Me again,
Just curious how long you all kept your buns on cage rest after neuturing.
My rabbits are never locked in their cages and I hate doing so, but yesterday they were both neutured and I was prepared for a few days of cage rest, bought new cage toys and treats and such.
Today they were back at the vet for the post op check healing well although fudge has pulled one of his stich out, luckily the wound has already closed so she wasn't concerned.
She has made us another appointment for a check up on Thursday and wants them on cage rest until then?
Which will make it 7 days of cage rest. Seems a bit long for me as they're both itching to get out.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

I know in the rescue centres I've worked in, we never caged up the boys after neutering. They do heal up pretty quickly. I would probably keep a boy indoors for 2/3 days to avoid any dirt getting into the wound, but I wouldn't cage them up. They would wonder what on earth had happened to them :shock:
i think if they are in the house and not near dirt like mightymax says and dont jump on furniture they will be fine. I couldnt keep mine in for 7 days they did the begging and i felt guilty lol.. I just moved every thing that they could jump on or hump x