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Hutch size?


New Kit

I'm wondering if the bluebell hideaway hutch from pets at home is big enough to house 2 mini lops? They get hours outside in the run during the afternoon to stretch their legs and play, and if its too cold for them too be outside they come and paly on my bedroom floor! I am in need of a medium sized hutch as I can't have a huge one in my garden! Many thanks, Lauren:D
I don't know how big mini lops get but the best way to consider hutches is to think of whether or not they can do 3 hops and stand on their hind legs without hitting the roof. :)
I don't know how big the bluebell hideaway is but a pair of rabbits need a hutch size of 6 ft by 2 ft and an attached run of at least 6 ft by 4 ft. It's quite easy to underestimate the length of three hops. I've found mini lops aren't always active but they have their moments!

Just be careful of bringing them into the warm and then back out in the cold, it can cause respiratory problems due to the change in temperatures. If you don't have much room in your garden then maybe an option would be to bunny proof and have them inside so they have a whole room to run around in :)